I have a bunch of all, and here's my impression. First, they're probably all overdriven Q5 emitters. Second, the DX and KD are probably the exact same module. Third, the tint on the DX and KD is cooler while the Solarforce is warmer. Fourth, the DX and KD have better regulation and are brighter @ 8.4V. The Solarforce is about as bright at 12.6V. Fifth, the Solarforce is about $25 on eBay while the DX and KD modules are about $15. The KD was recently priced at only $12.59 and was a steal. It is still the cheapest of the three. If you are interested in a well-regulated multi-mode module, don't overlook the 0-100% "3-mode" (actually 15 mode in 6 groups) Q5 module on DX. Mev at LightReviews measured it to be slightly brighter than a Fenix T1 with very good runtimes.