Flashlight Enthusiast
I am looking to purchase about a half dozen protected 18650 cells for use in my new EagleTac M2 and M2X.
Is there a consensus on the forum regarding the quality of the EagleTac 18650s? I've done some searching, but am not coming up with much info on them. Has anyone done any testing to see if they compare favorably to the AW 18650 cells? The extra 200 mah isn't a big concern for me, I'm just wondering about the overall quality of the cells.
I'm tempted to go with the tried and true AW 18650, but if the ETs are as good, I wouldn't mind saving some $ and getting them instead.
Any information would be appreciated. TIA. :wave:
Is there a consensus on the forum regarding the quality of the EagleTac 18650s? I've done some searching, but am not coming up with much info on them. Has anyone done any testing to see if they compare favorably to the AW 18650 cells? The extra 200 mah isn't a big concern for me, I'm just wondering about the overall quality of the cells.
I'm tempted to go with the tried and true AW 18650, but if the ETs are as good, I wouldn't mind saving some $ and getting them instead.
Any information would be appreciated. TIA. :wave: