Eagletac P100A2 modded with XPG-R5


May 31, 2007
Almost done. My P100A2 was impossible to open with the classic way. So i used a harder way, guess what! :huh:
Of course this kind of mod is not for everyone. It is for those who risk destroying their flashlight in order to take nothing or something better!lovecpf
But i did it! It needed a lot of work, won't tell you the way, just guess!!!
Have to see firstly how it focuses and the ideal position of the new led.
I might use the stock driver but modes won't be interchangeable via the twisty mechanism...

This should be interesting....

These lights are dam near impossible to get open... I have tried, theres nothing inside the light to unscrew the pill.:ohgeez: I would expect the T100C2 to be very similar.

can you post pics of the C850 driver? I'm curious what that thing looks like.

Oops I got my lights confused, the P100A2 does not use a C850 driver.
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This should be interesting....

These lights are dam near impossible to get open... I have tried, theres nothing inside the light to unscrew the pill.:ohgeez: I would expect the T100C2 to be very similar.

can you post pics of the C850 driver? I'm curious what that thing looks like.

I believe the P100A2 has the A750 driver, which I'd expect to be a bit different. Regardless, I'll second the request for pics!

...don't tell me you had to actually cut the head open to do this? Did you have to drill holes into the PCB/heatsink to unscrew it?

Ok guys are per request, i will post pictures about anything you want. Just want to complete the mod first!
Btw, i did not unscrew anything! :p
So.... :D
Just to add that with the first results according the beam profile, are awesome. It almost maintains the good throw of xp-e led.Of course output is a lot more. But unfortunately, i am planning on puting a 7882 driver board from DX because the stock A750 driver can be used only in high or low mode. Twisty action is impossible to happen by the way i modded it, maybe i have to think something smarter to work with the stock driver and modes.
Sorry guys for the delay i haven't yet completed the mod, did not find the time needed to complete this. I want to post full details till end. Sorry again will update soon!
So how did the mod went? I am still curious how you managed to open the head.

Almost forgot it! I had taken the pictures a lot days ago and did not upload them!
Well, here it is how i opened it...
I used a drill with a big head!!!! :oops:lovecpf:devil::devil:
The result?:
Judge from my pictures!
The old pill was completely destroyed,just turned it into dust. The led survived.
the old driver:



the head:

The head with the new pill:



This is another mod i completed!
1,5D Mag 4x15670 with undomed SST-90 led@~ 4amp with der Wichtel Driver, throwing 25000+ lux.


Now who wants beamshots?Hehe!
The new flashlight throws ~4500 lux, abut 2300 lux less than xp-e. Still not bad, with much more spill. The only sad is that i used a 7882 board, old driver could not be used anymore, because it would be possible to have only one mode, no more twisty head!

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