EDC came in handy this morning...

The Black Knight

Newly Enlightened
Mar 2, 2009
West Coast of Michigan
OK, being the noob that I am, I've been trying to tell myself for the past couple of weeks that having a EDC light is not being nerdish/mall ninja wanna-be-ish. It proved itself handy this morning. Walked out to the car at quarter past dark this morning to find our garage door open. Hmmm, it was closed last night. First thought, crap, I'm gong to work so thus am un-armed except for my Colman cooler (lunch). Second thought, Hey! I have a flashlight! Pulled out the light, checked the garage, nothing was missing/damaged so I hopped into my car and drove off with a smug smile knowing that my EDC just proved itself. :thumbsup:
OK, being the noob that I am, I've been trying to tell myself for the past couple of weeks that having a EDC light is not being nerdish/mall ninja wanna-be-ish. It proved itself handy this morning. Walked out to the car at quarter past dark this morning to find our garage door open. Hmmm, it was closed last night. First thought, crap, I'm gong to work so thus am un-armed except for my Colman cooler (lunch). Second thought, Hey! I have a flashlight! Pulled out the light, checked the garage, nothing was missing/damaged so I hopped into my car and drove off with a smug smile knowing that my EDC just proved itself. :thumbsup:

:welcome: What was your edc light?
Welcome to CPF, The Black Knight.

Good story! I always EDC powerful flashlights and they sure do come in handy.
For the past 2 or 3 months EVERYONE that has known I had a flashlight in my pocket at all times asked my one question: WHY??

As of now, almost everyone of them is either wanting one or thankful I had one.

It's funny how you never realize how useful they can be, but how useful they are when you have them.

Here is the only thing you have to think:

"No one is going to know you have one until it's needed, and they will all be glad someone had one when it is needed."
Wait till you have yourself a 200+ lumen pocket rocket, that sure is nice when you need to investigate something suspicious in the dark :devil:
Wait till you have yourself a 200+ lumen pocket rocket, that sure is nice when you need to investigate something suspicious in the dark :devil:

+1 on that, a Jet I Pro IBS on 14500 or a Jet II Pro IBS with 3.6volt RCR123 is really bright.

I EDC the Fenix LD01 with a 10440 cell and believe you me, that is one bright little keychain light