...EDC with Both Tail Switch and ON/OFF Side Switch

Lawman VII XIV

Newly Enlightened
Sep 25, 2020
Does one exist?

After getting a few Olights and becoming disenchanted with them, a Fenix TK20R seemed like a nice change and is now preferred over the Olights. The tail switch is great but I miss a side switch and want both.

I got the email for the new Fenix PD25R and thought it might be The One. The side switch is a mode just the Fenix Mode switch with no ON/OFF function. So close.

Now I might just get one anyway and maybe acclimate to no tail switch easier than not having a side switch. The 25R is a bit more of an EDC than the TK but if the latter had an ON/OFF side switch I wouldn't be making this post.

I didn't see a Fenix offering that fits the bill so, is there such a light (no Olights need apply)? The TK20R's built-in charging with a replaceable non-proprietary is nice and I'd want this for my Ideal Light.

side switch (ON/OFF, not side selector)
tail switch (ON/OFF, momentary/continuous)
USB rechargeable (with replaceable generic battery)
EDC worthy
moderate output
moderate throw

The 25R's 800L/250M seems adequate for EDC, so that ball park would be acceptable. The 25R almost ticks all the boxes.
I'd like to check out any viable options, if there are any.
side switch (ON/OFF, not side selector)
tail switch (ON/OFF, momentary/continuous)
USB rechargeable (with replaceable generic battery)
EDC worthy
moderate output
moderate throw

I don't have a suggestion, but wanted to clarify your requirements. It appears you're defining a light with only 1 single output (brightness) level. (EDIT: Nothing wrong w/ single output, BTW. Many of my favorite lights are set up exactly that way.) I don't see where you state how one would change output levels, which is why I ask. Ideally, if more than 1 output level, which switch would be used for that selection?
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Ideally, if more than 1 output level, which switch would be used for that selection?
The side switch, as with Fenix E35R's side switch would be the best for me. The tail switch would be "instant-on" (Fenix marketing) at full brightness, though the ability to step down to 50% or better would be nice.