eeewwww, termites


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 14, 2007
I think i have a termite problem. I see these little ants with white backs....and i think they are hiding behind the books on my shelf. EWWW! sorry, but this is my ROOM where i sleep, i dont like the idea of it.

Good thing that i have plenty of lights to find them with. I currently dont have time to take everything off the shelves and clear it up, and cos i dont know where they are exactly coming from, i have to take EVERYTHING off the shelves. FUnnily enough, i have Citronella spray, and it seems to kill them...:thinking:

advice??? :sick2:

Don't know if you should run out and buy a lottery ticket or if Crenshaw should. On second thought, maybe Crenshaw should - to repair the termite damage.
Call a professional disinfestor. You see them behind your bookcase, but if they are actual termites they could be all over the insides of your home by now.
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...well, are they ants or termites? I read the 2nd google selection -- it was good on helping with that distinction. (2 body segments=termite - 3 segments=ant)
Jzmtl, what is the purpose of your post?

the irony of the Article's writer's name..:crackup:

okay...these things are not like them termites you might see on fear factor, they look like tiny little ants, the kind you see running around your kitchen from time to time? the kind that would probably fit comfortably on the head of a match.

Thing is, live in a flat, like most other people in singapore, meaning concrete all around...and its not so much a book case, as much as a shelf....:eek:

i dont see them anymore....which only means i'll really have to check.

Structural damage is very unlikley, the :sick2: is more of a factor. I would call the pest control people, but they are expensive, and its not what i would call a serious infesation. Ants wouldnt make a home in a book, wood they? had that before, good thing it was a lousy i had no problem throwing it away.

oh, they look like two body segments, the back one is white-ish

and they definetly dont fly..thank God!


PS: the Book, Wood they, pun was not intended, but since its there, im gonna leave it..:eek:
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Tell me about it.. I hate ants.(as well as termites.) My room at home has been constantly under attack from ants.(I think they're ants,although I'm not really sure.) Quite creepy when they start crawling all over you, while you're sleeping.
I don't much mind ants; they clean up the place, they don't poop, they get rid of other more annnoying insects both alive and dead, they probably go after termites too. My only problem with them was once one crawled in my ear.
That was an inordinate amount of noise for such a tiny creature!! He explored around my eardrum, and crawled out after a couple minutes..
(I'm glad it was an ant, and not some brain-boring parasitic type
sounds like you've had the unfortunate experience Empath.
I've had a carpenter ant up the tunnel, it wasn't a fun experience. I got it out after shining the burning hot M6 on my ear for a minute or two and I let it live since it didn't bite me from start to finish, its probably more confused than I am:)
Termites are inevitable out here. They swarm at least once a year and just about all houses have some active termite infestation. Usually don't see them indoors though.

Another selling point for my wife when she tells me how much better MN is than CA. "There's no termites in MN" (Uhmm yeah. too COLD!)
Go to your local zoo and see if you can borrow one of these, lol

shoudl probably tell you guys that they have disappered. So...hoping thier gone. My room has be cleaned with the help of my Fenix T1 which is FINALLY giving me he low voltage signal after months of usage...and my Surefire L1 cliped to a cap, and my Rainbow Vacuum cleaner, they are the absolute best vacum cleaners you can ever find.

No trace of them anymore, but just in case, dads calling in the contracter, who is coming in to take a look at some electrical piping thats coming loose.

One of them anteaters might have come in handy. As for the antlions....hmmm., not sure if i would want one of them beauties walking around my house.

Antlions are fun to play with. They are very small actually, about size of two or three peas. If you put them in a box they scoot back into a corner. If you put them in a bowl of sand you can feed them with ants and watch it.