I found it quite interesting that the final termination voltage that my hobby charger will charge a particular Li-ion battery to appears to be affected to some extent by the initial charge current selected. For example, when I charged up a Trustfire 18650 "true" 2400 mah red and black battery setting the charger to use 2.4 amp (2400 ma) or approximately 1C for the starting charge current, the voltage of the battery that was achieved at termination was 4.09 volts as measured by my DMM and this was repeatable.
However, when I subsequently tried charging the same battery with a considerably lower starting charge current of .6 amp (600 ma) or ~.25 C, the final voltage achieved was 4.14 volts.
I guess I'll be using the lower (slower) charge rate in the future with those cells. But I was wondering if there was any explanation for why the different starting charge currents produced such different results in the final termination voltage?
However, when I subsequently tried charging the same battery with a considerably lower starting charge current of .6 amp (600 ma) or ~.25 C, the final voltage achieved was 4.14 volts.
I guess I'll be using the lower (slower) charge rate in the future with those cells. But I was wondering if there was any explanation for why the different starting charge currents produced such different results in the final termination voltage?