Effects of EMP on LED Lights? (Part II)


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 4, 2007
United Kingdom
(Moderator note: Merged "several" like threads, closed old thread(click) due to amount of posts & continued here. Link to old thread included.)

With flashlights like fenix, which have no "memory" or anything, do you think they would survive an electromagnetic pulse and still work?> I mean as far as i know, electronics dont die with EMP unless they are on and working right? So if thats true, surely fenix lights would work in the aftermath of some kind of EMP.. im not sure here. Yes this question is the least likely you would think you would see, but its on my mind.
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Re: EMP ?

If an EMP is big enough to destroy your lights, I wouldn't worry about them, you would probably be dead from radiation anyway.
Re: EMP ?

We've covered this topic before (it just sounds like a CPF topic, doesn't it) and it turns out that it would be possible for a hypothetical ICBM-armed enemy to do an EMP-specific attack: Setting off a warhead ~120 miles above Los Angeles, for example, would be sufficient to blackout not just the West Coast, but *everything west of the Rockies*, with no blast, heat, or (nuclear) radiation damage at all.

The catch is the aforementioned ICBM - only the countries that can afford the most advanced defense systems have them, so this technique isn't possible for "terrorists" (who are more likely to use a dirty bomb) or even the North Koreans (would use a standard blast nuclear attack), though China could do it.

If you're truly distressed by remote possibility of an EMP attack, or you just want to try a fun project, you can build your own EMP-proof box. Just grab any container (Pelican case, cigar box, even a cardboard box) and some copper screening (available at your local crafts store) - coat the entire exterior of the container with the copper screening, ensuring the screening touches at the seams/openings and there's no bare spots. That's it. Place a small radio tuned to a strong local station inside the box, and if all it receives is static when the box is closed, it works - you now have a fully EMP-proof utility box. :thumbsup:
Re: EMP ?

From my understanding of it an EMP is comprised of Electro Magnetic Waves, Which is like TV signals, AM/FM Radio, cell phones, transceivers (Portable Radios), ham radio, microwave transceivers, etc but over many bands instead of just one or two.

This would indicate that if an item were to be damaged it would need to have something either attached or built into it that would act like an antenna (like the one for your TV, car radio, power lines & pylons, phone lines) to attract any of the EMP.

So your LED lights (with or w/o electronics) would most likely survive an EMP as they have very short amounts of wire in them to act as an antenna.

The same could be said for small electronics (exceptions exist) to survive as well.

Items like laptop computers, cell phones, MP3/CD/Tape players, are a toss up as to whether or not it would

A) Develop a Fault that can be fixed or gotten rid of
B) Be damaged or
C) Killed

There is a similar problem that is more widespread & catered for is EMI or electromagnetic interference. If you look on the underside of almost any electronic device & you will see a sticker stating that it has been tested for this, most will be tested to the FCC standards which I believe most countries accept (Go ahead & have a look under your computer keyboard)

This may also provide some protection for items like laptops & cell phones as they may have shielding built into them to reduce EMI.

This is my understanding of EMP theory but it may have errors so take it with a grain of salt.
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emp wipe out all led ? for boogey bag use

wondering in this day and age if led is way to go for boogey bag??????

won't incandescent survive emp ....where l.e.d. will go pop?????

Re: emp wipe out all led ? for boogey bag use

We've covered this topic before (it just sounds like a CPF topic, doesn't it) and it turns out that it would be possible for a hypothetical ICBM-armed enemy to do an EMP-specific attack: Setting off a warhead ~120 miles above Los Angeles, for example, would be sufficient to blackout not just the West Coast, but *everything west of the Rockies*, with no blast, heat, or (nuclear) radiation damage at all.

The catch is the aforementioned ICBM - only the countries that can afford the most advanced defense systems have them, so this technique isn't possible for "terrorists" (who are more likely to use a dirty bomb) or even the North Koreans (would use a standard blast nuclear attack), though China could do it.

If you're truly distressed by remote possibility of an EMP attack, or you just want to try a fun project, you can build your own EMP-proof box. Just grab any container (Pelican case, cigar box, even a cardboard box) and some copper screening (available at your local crafts store) - coat the entire exterior of the container with the copper screening, ensuring the screening touches at the seams/openings and there's no bare spots. That's it. Place a small radio tuned to a strong local station inside the box, and if all it receives is static when the box is closed, it works - you now have a fully EMP-proof utility box. :thumbsup:

Re: emp wipe out all led ? for boogey bag use

Could you just put some mesh over the lens of the flashlight, since the body is metal already?
The energies involved to fuse an electronic circuit at any distance are immense. Despite what the movies show, there is no reasonable way to create those energies without an atomic blast. If one occurs within a range to disable your flashlight then it's probably not the most worrying issue in your immediate future: check your baked flesh first.

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