Electrifly Triton 2


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 13, 2006
*Out There* (Irvine, CA)
Anyone had problems with the aforementioned charger? Mine has given me good service, haven't used it in awhile, discharged a 18650 unprotected, just charged it up ran out the 90 min safety timer, and when restarted gave me a Batt. Voltage Too High error.

The battery checked with my trusty Fluke is 4.39V, so anyone else have a Triton that is freaking out?
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During charging of a second cell with my Fluke connected to the battery I'm seeing 4.30-4.40 volts at the cell. It's been awhile but I don't recall it normally being that high.

It just peaked out at 4.60 volts, hovering between 4.40 and 4.60. The Triton itself shows a peak of 4.74 volts. Fluke measure directly from the terminals of the battery clamp recorded a 4.72 volt max.

ETA: Fluke Max hit 4.80 volts.

Battery is cool to the touch, only a few degrees above ambient.

Took the batter off when it was reading over 6.00 volts. So no one else with a malfunctioning Triton2?
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Hello 65535,

That is very odd. The Triton has a reputation of being very sensitive to lead wire resistance, and as a result it usually charges a bit less than a full charge. I have not heard of one charging to a higher voltage.

Some further checking may be in order.

I think my charger is trying to kill me and my batteries.

After giving it a round 2 tonight I found it charging at up to 9.5A (unit set to a 2200mAh 3.7V cell auto current selection by the charger) this unit is only rated for 7A.

Current flow was confirmed with a Fluke 85 DMM, second cells started venting, luckily stopped when current was immediately removed and battery was taken outside, further testing will be videotaped and carried out outside.

Stay tuned for live action battery blowing up.
By my dads suggestion I tried charging another chemistry, tossed in an Eneloop 1.2V cell. It thought that my 2A charge rate was a bad idea, that the single AA cell needed 13A to charge.
Hello 65535,

Perhaps you can borrow a shovel from your dad and give your charger a decent burial...

This is totally bizarre. Something fried inside the charger.

Wow! Great find LumenHound!

My Triton 2 has served me faithfully for two years now. But that link is worthy of a bookmark in the event of future trouble. Thanks!

The worst problem I have seen on mine so far, is an under-sensitive 'Batt Type' button. I hope that's the most I will see..

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