The Firesword should be brighter (more Lumens) but because of the small reflectors is all flood.
The Olight will throw better (more Lux).
Any 1 watt or better flashlight with a reflector (not a Mule or Zebralight which does not have a reflector) will out-throw a 100 watt light bulb.
The flashlight has more Lux.
The 100W light bulb has more lumens.
The beam on the left is of a MTE '900 lumen' P7. Lots of floody light but does not throw so well. The beam on the right is a '50 lumen' Terralux TLE-1F in a 6V lantern with a 4" reflector. Despite having less than 1/10 the brightness the hotspot is more intense.
The Firesword is more like my MTE, the Olight more like the 6V lantern, but the Olight has 1/2 the lumens of the Firesword instead of the 1/10 of my picture so will have much brighter relative beam.
If you want to light up your backyard all at once, the wide beam of the Firesword is better.
If you want to see hundreds of yards down a long country road the Olight is better.
Also the Firesword is single mode, the Olight has High; Low; Strobe.
Elektrolumens lights are discussed in the Elektrolumens forum in CPFMP, just like Peak lights are discussed in the Peak forum in CPF Custom Flashlight Builders and Modders. You have to go to the right place to find the info.