Eneloop AAA's where to find


Sep 4, 2004
Is there any reason that I seem to find 4xAAA eneloop's online for the same price as 8XAA eneloop's? I'd like a 4 pack but I can't find them cheaper than $15 for 4... is there any specific place people get them cheaper? Besides Costco because we don't have one nearby!
Is there any reason that I seem to find 4xAAA eneloop's online for the same price as 8XAA eneloop's? I'd like a 4 pack but I can't find them cheaper than $15 for 4... is there any specific place people get them cheaper? Besides Costco because we don't have one nearby!

You're correct in that bargains have always been hard to find for the AAA Eneloop ptirmal.

BatteryBob will deliver 4 to your door for 11.50 if you order online.

Theirs is the best price I'm aware of unless you up the quantity by a substantial amount.
I stopped by our local hhgregg and circuit city and neither carry eneloop any more. So there is either a shortage or they want you to buy the 15 minute crap so you will keep coming back for replacements as they had plenty of those.
Hmm, each Circuit City may be different. Back around the holidays, I purchased AAA Eneloop batteries from Circuit City. Haven't been back in the store since, so don't know if they're still offered or not.
I never had any massive discharge issues with the Eveready AAA (850 / 900 mah) batteries to even consider Eneloops. It was only the 2500mah AA Evereadys that were junk.
Right now I don't really have any good AAA rechargables... I have some no name 1000mah ones that I use in my calculator and lod-ce and while they don't die out on me without warning I know they could last a lot longer since I don't use them that often... I figure I'd just get some that are good and will last me without constant charging issues...

I just figured since CC was selling them for 15+tax for 4, the same price as 8xAA's there must be a better deal somewhere... I wouldn't mind spending $15 on 8XAA's...

Bones... thanks for the link, just placed my order for 2, we'll see how it goes from there...
Ordered on Saturday and received today, damn that was quick... wish I could say the same about my la crosse charger =/
Out local hhgreg's and circuit city are all out of them. I ordered 4 packs of 4 for my wife from thomas distributing for 8.57/pack and ordered a c9000 since they were on sale too. That makes 64 eneloop cells for us total now. The ones I got from thomas are dated 6/2006 so I'm going to test a set or two on the c9000 to see how they held up in storage.
I don't really need anymore, but I'd thought I'd put the word out that Amazon has 8-pack's for $15 !! That's a deal for the AAA's!

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