Thought I would see if Sanyo was using the most logical domain name and the most desired domain extension to promote the Eneloop.
I was quite surprised to find that was registered to what appears to be a private individual in the United Kingdom.
Enter on this page for the whois details: ...whois
I was even more surprised to note the domain name was first registered on 02 November 2005, less than two weeks prior to the Sanyo press release announcing the Eneloop: ... eneloop
Difficult to believe that Sanyo didn't get there first, especially when they must have decided on the Eneloop name months before the press release.
As well, is it even remotely possible that the choice of the domain name 'eneloop' and the timing of the registration by a party other than Sanyo is mere coincidence?
I was quite surprised to find that was registered to what appears to be a private individual in the United Kingdom.
Enter on this page for the whois details: ...whois
I was even more surprised to note the domain name was first registered on 02 November 2005, less than two weeks prior to the Sanyo press release announcing the Eneloop: ... eneloop
Difficult to believe that Sanyo didn't get there first, especially when they must have decided on the Eneloop name months before the press release.
As well, is it even remotely possible that the choice of the domain name 'eneloop' and the timing of the registration by a party other than Sanyo is mere coincidence?