My personal rule is 4A. And the way I use lights is very light duty, I rarely have them on for more than a minute or so at a time.
I have heard someone posting all over the board about some tests that were done with eneloops in a 10 amp application and it Works!!.
I'm not impressed, just because it works doesn't mean you are fighting against the very characteristics that make eneloops special, heating them up and lowering their efficiency and life. A more fair test might be to do the high current test every day for a few months, and then measure the LSD performance, and re-measure the capacity and see what you did to your batteries.
On the other hand if you want an emergency light that really has some juice that you want to throw in the trunk of your car for a few months before use and don't care about beating them up a bit and having more resistance in your circuit during use, then I can see a point in using them just for the LSD.
Apparently they can take the load without blowing up, but I bet they get hot. I'd use sparingly and watch the heat.
I originally wanted to use Eneloops for a Mag458 build and a 3 D torch build, but I've been edified by others and I'm now going with Elites.