Eneloop Hybrid All Wheel Drive - Bicycle?


Feb 3, 2007
Foothills Country

With a regenerative braking system that provides 80% more power, an automatic power assist capable of a 1:2 assist ratio, and all wheel drive so it doesn't feel inferior sitting next to your Land Rover.

All for a mere 1422 USD:


The full press release:

Not sure how efficient or practical it will be but it looks to be pretty cool. :thumbsup: Will have to wait for the experts around here to weigh in.
Thank you, Bones !

Certainly sounds interesting. :cool:

Bet we're already thinking up ways to "mod" it !

Now I'll admit I didn't read the whole article, but seems to me they've removed the reason most ride a bike today. No wonder obesity and heart disease is out of control.

I wonder how fast you'd have to pedal to hit a 0.5c charge rate?

I don't know, but your comment fostered the thought that with one of these and some kind of adapter, you could use your Eneloop Hybrid to create a fairly serious emergency battery charger:

I like this!
Unfortunately trying to generate 300W for any length of time is a lot harder than it sounds.
It would take a long, long time to boil a kettle.:devil:

I would love to try out one of those eneloop bicycles for fun.

I tried a Sanyo cycle about 5 years ago. The battery assisted riding and worked pretty well. I was at the factory where they make the cycle. It was designed for people who commute with it everyday. You still get some exercise on the one I tested. I could not get to the link, so did not see the details.
Now I'll admit I didn't read the whole article, but seems to me they've removed the reason most ride a bike today. No wonder obesity and heart disease is out of control.

Add "In the USA" to your comment and you are probably right. However the vast majority of bike riders in the world use it as their main mode of transportation.
Out of interest, I wondered how long it would take to burn up the calories in a Christmas mince pie at a rate of 300 W?

Now I discovered that a mince pie contains about 240 Calories, or 1 million joules. Since 300 W is 300 joules/sec, the time to burn up a mince pie would apparently be about 1,000,000/300 = 3,300 sec or 55 minutes. Since human muscles are not 100% efficient, I am guessing that pedaling hard for about half an hour would do it.

So the moral of the story is to lay off those holiday treats! Just a few seconds of indulgence is going to cost you a lot of exercise to lose those extra calories. :)
There are a few different ways to solar charge an electric bicycle but
this is probably my favourite system; I can use one 48V panel through
a custom regulator to go straight to a lithium ion battery or else I
can use the same panel to charge a battery bank to store the energy
and then use an inverter and the normal battery charger for the bike
battery. I've made a short video to show how to do this and put it on
youtube. You can also access it through my Solar Bike website -
So the moral of the story is to lay off those holiday treats! Just a few seconds of indulgence is going to cost you a lot of exercise to lose those extra calories. :)

It's probably more than 10x as important to lay off the everyday high calorie foods, if you only indulged in the holidays it would not be all that bad at all.

Apparently the trick is to observe these 3 dietary rules:
- Eat food
- Not too much
- Mostly plants

That is easier to say than to do though . . .
Although - chocolate & sugar are plants aren't they . . .

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