Currently RadioShack has pre-charged NiMh on sale 2/$5 & 4/$5
4 for $5 would be a bargain - I'm sure that's just a slip of the keyboard -
they are on sale at 4 for $10.
Most LSDs have had favorable reports - seems like a good technology.
However eneloops are the most well known and have become a sort of benchmark - somwhat like the default "best" - so to be on the safe side just buy eneloops - unless/until there is some concensus that anything is "better".
eneloop AAs were available at Circuit City at $15/8, then closeout at $13/8 - but that seems all gone, I don't even see the 8 packs at their website anymore.
The next best price seems like the CostCo pack 8x AA, 4x AAA, 4-position charger and D and C adaptors @ ~$26 (on Sale around Thanksgiving at $5 off) at $21 even if one threw away the charger - it still works out cheap.
The next LSD brand that is normally lower priced are the Kodak Pre-Charged @ $7.88 for 4
at WalMart - they claim 2100mAh and 1,000 cycles. I have two sets of 4 - they perform similarly to the 8x eneloops I also have.
The Kodak Pre-Charged are also displayed in the electronics section with the flashcards and camera accessories - and
NOT in the regular battery section (where the Duracell, Energizer and RoV rechargeables are), these along with the 4x eneloop charger pack have been available at 4 local WalMarts since at least June/2007.