Energizer Duo charger.

Woods Walker

The Wood is cut, The Bacon is cooked, Now it’s tim
Jun 8, 2008
New England woods.
I got this charger a few months ago to replace my older 10+ hour model. It is very small and can run off the USB port on my lap top or plug into the wall. Does anyone else own one? If so what are the pros and cons. So far it seems to work. It has software that shows an ETA to full charge on my lap top. Has a little graphic of the charger and everything. The down side is the ETA tends to be off.


I am looking for a better one but money is a bit tight. Getting a new charger seems to take a back seat to my want of a Fenix LOD. :D
That seems to be a nice little charger. It is compact, and if you travel with it you can run it off a laptop USB port. The PC interface is icing on the cake.
I have one, and chose it over the eneloop USB charge because of the AC wall charge option. However, it false peaks when charging my eneloops, which is annoying. I usually have to charge my eneloops twice, although the second charge isn't as long as the first.

It's still worth the cost and works OK for what I use it for.
Sometimes I get false peaks too. But I tend to know it. Think it is ok for a USB charger however for a primary charger I will be looking for something else in the next few months. Maybe a charger that can tell me the level of mAh in each cell.
Sometimes I get false peaks too. But I tend to know it. Think it is ok for a USB charger however for a primary charger I will be looking for something else in the next few months. Maybe a charger that can tell me the level of mAh in each cell.

False peaks are certainly better than missed terminations, so it's an acceptable quirk that I've had no problem living with. I also find the 500mAh AC to USB adapter handy for other purposes.

As well, unlike their 2500mAh AA siblings, which are absolutely dismal performers, the two 800mAh Energizer AAA cells bundled with my charger are still going strong despite virtually constant neglect and abuse.

Altogether, a better quality, sturdy little performer. Energizer is probably looking into where they went wrong with this one ...
False peaks are certainly better than missed terminations, so it's an acceptable quirk that I've had no problem living with. I also find the 500mAh AC to USB adapter handy for other purposes.

As well, unlike their 2500mAh AA siblings, which are absolutely dismal performers, the two 800mAh Energizer AAA cells bundled with my charger are still going strong despite virtually constant neglect and abuse.

Altogether, a better quality, sturdy little performer. Energizer is probably looking into where they went wrong with this one ...

Glad others like it too. I got two 900mAh cells with mine and so far they are working well. Same goes for the Energizer 2450 cells recharged from the Duo. Right now I am running them down in my Fenix for a test of my backpack solar panel but the darn things will just not die. But they did screw up with the USB cord. Just another fraction of an inch and it would wrap around for storage. They do have a slot to place the USB plug into and a grove for the wire. Not a big issue however.
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Glad others like it too. I got two 900mAh cells with mine and so far they are working well. Same goes for the Energizer 2450 cells recharged from the Duo. Right now I am running them down in my Fenix for a test of my backpack solar panel but the darn things will just not die. But they did screw up with the USB cord. Just another fraction of an inch and it would wrap around for storage. They do have a slot to place the USB plug into and a grove for the wire. Not a big issue however.

Mine had this problem as well. It appears to be caused by shrinkage of the wire covers. They should ship the charger with the USB cord stashed, but then it wouldn't show it while on display.

Anyway, I was able to stash my cord by keeping tension on it while wrapping it around the charger and then giving it an 'extra' pull while inserting the USB connector in its slot. After it sits in the slot for a while, it will stretch and be much easier to stow away in the future.

I'm somewhat hesitant to put this down, but I found both ends of the cord to be well-anchored and consequently able to take a lot of tension when I first attempted to stow it away.
I bought one primarily because it will charge a single AA or AAA cell if the cell is placed in the first slot. Great for traveling w/ an EDC AA or AAA light.
Mine had this problem as well. It appears to be caused by shrinkage of the wire covers. They should ship the charger with the USB cord stashed, but then it wouldn't show it while on display.

Anyway, I was able to stash my cord by keeping tension on it while wrapping it around the charger and then giving it an 'extra' pull while inserting the USB connector in its slot. After it sits in the slot for a while, it will stretch and be much easier to stow away in the future.

I'm somewhat hesitant to put this down, but I found both ends of the cord to be well-anchored and consequently able to take a lot of tension when I first attempted to stow it away.

I just broke my recharger....No just kidding. Yup I was able to get the USB into the slot. I will let it set for a few days and see if that helps make it better in the future. Thanks.


I never knew it would charge one cell. I tried that and it didn't work. But I never looked at what slot was used. Next time I will try the first slot.
I don't remember where I got that info. (can charge one bat. in slot 1) but I have been using it to do that. I always use the wall adapter.
Yup I see it tells me to use port #1. I tried this and the charger would say it was done in about one minute. Darn. Maybe I will try the wall pulg in rather than the USB.
Ok I got around to testing the Duo with the wall plug. It did a fine job with only one battery in slot number one. I wonder why it wouldn't charge one battery using the USB port in my computer? Anyways thanks everyone. Even the too short cord issue is solved and the charger packs down nice and small. The single battery charge will be nice for my 3 AAA battery headlamps. Just charge two at the same time and do the extra one on it's own so I don't have to mix and match batteries.