Energizer Lithium Advanced< normal lithium?


Apr 2, 2008
Knoxville, TN
I was at Sam's Club today and notice great prices on Energizer L91 and L92 cells (12 for $19.95) and had a question.

There were the normal blue packaged Lithiums (AA and AAA) and then there was a pack that was blue with a yellow banner that was labeled "Lithum Advanced". They were considerably cheaper (12 for $15 or so) and in AA only. The only difference I noticed in logoing was that the "advanced" read 30% longer and the normal lithum read %33 longer.

Anyone have any idea what the real differnce is? If they are the same cells with a different wrapper then the "Advanced" cells are a steal compared to normal 4 for $10 L91 prices.

Thank you. It's a shame that the search function is turned off. Not being able to search a particular subforum makes searching for something like "Energizer Lithium" return 5000 results that don't even relate to what i'm looking for.
Sometimes the search function works, sometimes it doesn't, so I know what you mean.