Enloops and supporting dealers

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Oct 28, 2004
I need to pick up some AA Sanyo Eneloops and there are none to be found at my local retail stores. I would like to get some from one of our supporting dealers (CPF), anyone have a link or knows who sells them?

If you look for white-topped Duracell Pre-Charged batteries, they're the same thing. :thumbsup:

Costco has a 8xAA 2xAAA pack for $18.49 I think, and I've seen 4-pack AA on sale at Targte for $9.99.
i got my second set of eneloops out of batteryjunction (they're not taking orders for a bit due to their fire), little more than other places but for me it worked out because I grabbed them along with my D10 Tribute, and support for a CPF dealer!

Aside from that I was looking at Thomas Distributing, and Costco (i was sad when they switched over to the 6xAA + 2xAAA, I actually needed AAAs...)
Aloha Braddah_Bill! I just ordered my second batch of eneloops from Thomas Dist. on Mar. 2 and they got here this morning. It went from Champaign, IL. to Hilo, HI. in 2 days. Not too bad brah.
Our Costco here in Hawaii didn't have any on the shelf and Wal Mart closed them out some time ago.

Funny I was looking on the Battery Junction and couldn't find them I went back a second time and they have stock.... I guess I 'll wait till they are back up and running then order.

Since you're in Hawaii, you might want to check Daiei... err Don Quijote. I checked the Waipahu one and they had Duraloops (white topped). Don't remember the price though.
Since you're in Hawaii, you might want to check Daiei... err Don Quijote. I checked the Waipahu one and they had Duraloops (white topped). Don't remember the price though.

Cool, went to the Pearl City store and they only had 1 pack of Eneloop AAAs

Mahalo :twothumbs
www.thomas-distributing.com/sd is my usual place to get them. The /sd sets a cookie that gets you a 5% discount on your order (supposedly for returning customers only so I'm not sure if it will work on your first order). Their site is pretty weird but they have lots of battery-related stuff and they ship fast.
Aloha Bruddah_Bill! I agree with paulr about Thomas Distributing. I ordered eneloops and powerex 2700's on Mar. 2 and received the order yesterday morning. My order went from Champaign, IL to Hilo, HI in just 2 days. Not too bad brah.
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