Flashlight Enthusiast
$8.02 Oz to my door ... = Cheap right ? ( $5.20 USD )
I mean what was I thinking ? ( Was I ? ) Hmmmmm .
Factory Edge was bad ! So I give it a quick guided re sharpen and hit the rope !
Big fail at 100 slices . Also such a small knife is Painful on the rope , Pain !
No I didn'y give up ! I gave the knife a 80 grit wet stone grinder - re sharpen !
ANd that factory edge was ( FUBAR ) .. Anyway , squeezed out some 300 slices !
Also that fresh re ground edge stropped back strong !
HRC was 55/50 , 55HRC bites & 50HRC skates . Why are so many knives 55/50 ?
Anyways , $5.20 USD to my door ( With GST ) .