error coins??

anyone can take a titanium drill bit, put a dent on a common coin and sell it for a could hundred bucks right? not that simple

theres specific stuff experts look for...stuff like the state coin having a third leaf carved out of relief would we a different story
I have a double strike Delaware quarter and an off center strike of a Texas. Last time I checked a coin dealer offered me $50 for the Delaware one.
I'm a collector but no expert and I usually don't get into error coins.

Those marks appear to be bag marks or rough handeling marks. They look indented, die breaks or cracks leave a raised mark.
Just my thoughts.
Some are pretty rare. When I was actively collecting coins I needed only two Mercury dimes to complete the set. One was a "overdate" where the mint screwed up the stamping and it was worth big bucks. Never completed that set.


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