error on line 56?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 16, 2004
I got this message today, error on line 56. This is the first time seeing this. What is it.? OS is XP home
Do you remember what program(s) were you running, or what web page(s) were you visiting at the time that you received the error ?

That line number refers to a specific line of programming code in one of your applications, or on one of the web pages that you were trying to view at the time. Obviously the error message is not specific enough to tell us what the problem was, it just tells us that your system encountered some sort of error when it tried to execute that specific line of code.

If you can remember what you were trying to do at the time, we may be able to narrow it down a bit more.
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I think it was somewhere inbetween word,ebay,google and savagecentral
Hmm... I'm not sure if I can narrow it down too much more, based on that list of programs/sites.

Did it cause any of your programs to close unexpectedly? Or, when you received that error, did it prevent you from being able to open up a specific file or web page? If not, then I would think that it probably isn't anything major, and it's likely not anything that you need to worry about.

Typically an "application-type" error (i.e. an error in a program such as Word, or Excel, etc.) won't provide you with a specific line number, and will usually kick you out of the program once you acknowledge the error message. This leads me to think that it was probably more along the lines of an error on one of the web sites that you were visiting at the time. It could have been something as simple as a typo in the underlying code on one of the sites, or possibly a problem with a script that one of the sites was trying to run. Those errors are not uncommon, and are usually corrected pretty quickly by the person(s) that publish the site.

Keep an eye on things, and if it happens again, see if you can figure out exactly what program is reporting the problem. A lot of times, the top portion of the error message itself will contain the name of the program that encountered the error. If we know that, and what you were trying to do at the time, we may be able to dig a little deeper.

Sorry I can't get any more specific for you.

Good luck!
Sounds like a script error on some of those websites, that happens sometimes, you don't need to be concerned. Error on line 56 means that there was some error running the 56th line of the website(probably) script.
correction the message was "out of memory on line 56"

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