Ever had a non flashaholic whip out an EDC light?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 11, 2006
So, I was off to the local chinese takeaway today to grab something small to eat as I hadn't had dinner. First I made a stop at a friends house, we could hear lightning. I had my Raw NS and Nitecore D10 on me just incase. 5 minutes walking and the heavens opened, it was like a monsoon season! Greywater was gushing upwards and out of drains, lightning was all around.

We got into the chinese takeaway and I put my Raw NS on the counter while I fished for my wallet. The woman behind the counter saw it and went "What's that? Oh, a light? :D" then "I have one too" and she whips out a credit card sized LED light in pink and proceeds to demonstrate it! She told me she always has that with her. She seemed pretty impressed by the Raw NS - mostly by the small size of the light.

I must say I was impressed. First time I've had a non flashaholic whip out an EDC!

Any of you had an encounter like that?
For me the fact that she always has a light with her and her interest on your light already makes her a flashaholic. She might be unenlightened and needs to be guided to the right direction or ... *ehem* website, but she is till a prepared flashaholic.

I was a flashaholic even before I discovered CPF, my collection then are considered inferior when compared to CPF's "standard" though, but I've always been fascinated with flashlights.
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"In this world there are two kinds of people. Those with flashlights and those who dig. You dig."

- line from the classic Spaghetti Western. More or less.:candle:
I assure you, I was a flasaholic LOOOOONG before I found CPF (20+ years)
Mmm I was also a flashaholic (but I didn't know the term!) looong before I found CPF too. Back when I was a little kid playing about with brown beam incans.

I was just really surprised today. But hey, you have to be prepared especially in my local area (power does go out, not too often but often enough and usually at night).
Yes, flashahol in the veins long before PC's. It was this affliction that led me here, and holds me here.

My sister's boyfriend once pulled out his duty weapon(Smith & Wesson M&P) to show me the light and night sights on it. The light was an LED and it wasn't that impressive but its better than nothing.
My sister's boyfriend once pulled out his duty weapon(Smith & Wesson M&P) to show me the light and night sights on it. The light was an LED and it wasn't that impressive but its better than nothing.

:crackup: I can just image it. Anybody got a flashlight? I think I have a bug crawling on me. Guy pulls out a gun. Whoa! It's not that bad! I think . . . I know I can live with whatever bug it maybe! :eek:
I have been a flashaholic and gadgetholic since i was 6, partly grewing up with Dad that was an aircraft engineer so he had lots of tools lying around and partly i had junk machines that i could take apart. I had many flashlights since i was a kid because of films like indiana jones and goonies. I saw flashlights in those movies and equated them to adventure.
I have never seen anyone that i know of immediately that carries a flashlight as EDC but i have know a few guys who carries knives as EDC.
The only people i have seen carrying lights are people who regularly used it for their work, e.g mechanics etc.
"In this world there are two kinds of people. Those with flashlights and those who dig. You dig."

- line from the classic Spaghetti Western. More or less.:candle:

"The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly."

And yeah, that's not quite how that line goes. :D
I've had various non-flashaholics pull out keychain lights to use (and back in my pre-fashaholism days, that impressed me to some degree, I guess). And actually, come to think of it, I did meet one guy who pulled out some no-name 12-LED Chinese light. But never have I seen a non-flashaholic pull out a REAL flashlight. In fact, aside from those that I've informed personally, I'm not sure I've ever even met a person who knew what a real flashlight was at all.

One day people will realize there's more to the flashlight world than the Maglite. Of course, on that day, it won't be so easy for us to impress the non-flashaholics.
I have met quite a few people with key-chain lights that often come from career fairs and are part of a carabiner. In fact I used to carry one with my keys before I got a 120p.

A lot of the people now are using the backlights from their cellphones as lights. It beats no light and people always have their phones with them, but its such a weak light. :shakehead

I have only been aware of this forum for only about 8 months, but before I came here, I had no idea what the state of the art was. I guess there aren't many people who know what a $50+ light will do (and be willing to buy it).
Tuesday I was tracing an air conditioning duct with a building mechanic who had a old school minimag. He whips out his light and proceeds to search the ceiling cavity we were working in. I hand him my light, a 6P Defender w/BOG Cree Premium drop in, and say "Mine is brighter." I get the non-enlightened WOW! I had to ask for my light back.
My wife finds it amusing that I'm so into flashlights. I kinda turned my nephew into a flashaholic by giving my older lights whenever I got an upgrade. Last night I happened to mention that I belong to a chat forum dedicated to flashlights & she says "Oh, are you & Garret the only members?":shrug: I think she was serious.
My wife finds it amusing that I'm so into flashlights. I kinda turned my nephew into a flashaholic by giving my older lights whenever I got an upgrade. Last night I happened to mention that I belong to a chat forum dedicated to flashlights & she says "Oh, are you & Garret the only members?":shrug: I think she was serious.

My wife finds it amusing that I'm so into flashlights. I kinda turned my nephew into a flashaholic by giving my older lights whenever I got an upgrade. Last night I happened to mention that I belong to a chat forum dedicated to flashlights & she says "Oh, are you & Garret the only members?":shrug: I think she was serious.

You did show her this site, right?
I have been into flashlights ever since I could practically hold one. It started out with cheap stuff but then as time grew by I finally got something better, a dorcy 1 watt from Sams. Then A 3 watt as a gift. Finally I got a Fenix p3d q5. Nothing else I have compares at the moment.:D But I can't wait what the next generation of lights is going to be.:popcorn: I found out about CPF at the beginning of the summer and am amazed how many people share my love of flashlights.
My EDC light for many years was a Zippo lighter. Small, reliable, and can light fires since it is REAL "candlepower". However, my pocket lighting expectations were changed when the Photon II came out.
My roots go way back too. I have always loved Flashlights ever since I can remember.
The obsession really took hold when I was sold a PT Yukon HL and decided to find out some information on it. I stumbled across flashlight reviews, than CPF. I have been reading this site long before my other half encouraged me to join.
I still have all the flashlights I have ever owned, as I guess each one holds a little bit of personal history.

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