Everything Chapstick


Oct 17, 2008
Alright, so we all know that a chapstick container cap can fit a whole host of AAA lights and diffuses it quite nicely. (e01, maratac, itp, illuminati etc)

I had a bit of excessive time on my hands to see if I could find every use for a chapstick container. This is what I've come up with so far:

~ Aveda Lip Saver
~ e01 AAA flashlight

1) AA battery fits in a chapstick container quite nicely, chapstick cap fits snugly, however the body is a smidge larger and merely slips off (easily remedied I imagine)

2) AAA battery fits in chapstick container with minimal vertical rattle, obviously rattles side to side. Vertical rattle is virtually eliminated with inner tube intact.

I am guessing the aveda chapstick design is not typical however of most chapstick containers, so ymmv. (when I'm done with my other chapsticks I'll update this thread :grin2:)
In general, I like the idea of not having a loose battery flopping around with the possibility of shorting.

That being said, is there significantly cheaper, smarter and better options? Definitely :ohgeez: Buy a pill fob and be done with it.

However, whats also nice about this method and what prompted it in the first place was....how do I keep and not lose the diffuser? I know if I kept that cap in my pocket or on the light I'd lose it in a day. So it's a twofer a battery carrier and 2x diffusers :twothumbs

Using body of chapstick container as you can see is loose

Feel free to let me know of other uses :naughty:
No need to tell me what a colossal waste of time this was, I know :kiss:

So will I actually use this method? Probably for the rest of the day so I felt like I accomplished something, then most likely not. Though I have another idea of not losing my precious diffuser :D
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Though I have another idea of not losing my precious diffuser :D

Please don't keep us in suspense! What is it? I have lost many caps, but they are of course, easily replaceable.

Thank you for the post and pic's Flasher. I have always thought that this Chapstick cap thing makes for the perfect little lantern. I use it all the time on my Fenix LOD and E01. Hang it on a lanyard inside your tent, or on a tree branch to light up your campsite.

Hoping my wife would not catch me (I am not a flashaholic), I have taken shower's with the lights off with a E01 tailstanding, and a Chapstick diffuser, giving me plenty of light!

But I have never quite understood the need for a battery carrier?? Will batteries actually short out and cause a problem? Does this happen in the real world? What completes the circuit even if two batteries touch end to end? I don't get it, what is the risk here?
Please don't keep us in suspense! What is it? I have lost many caps, but they are of course, easily replaceable.

I can't give it all away, otherwise no one will bother even posting/reading this silly thread :naughty:
I did after all spend a little bit of time on this :p

But I have never quite understood the need for a battery carrier??

Personally, I just like the idea of having it all together. Especially if my back up battery and it's diffuser is attached to said keychain...even better
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