Flashlight Enthusiast
Is it ever bad to under drive any Incan light, I didn't think it was but, about a week ago I took my Bigbeam 1766 C "with Par 46, 4017, 5.5 volt duel filament bulb" and tried to see how much duller it would be running off of a 6 volt, 8F Alkaline lantern battery "normally it uses a 903 7.5 volt battery" any way I hocked up the 6 volt and ran the light on high 11.5 watts and low 3.5 watts for about 3 minuets. Anyways I then preceded to put the old 7.5 volt battery back on and I hit the switch on low and just like that in 5 seconds the bulb blew! "by by $20 bulb:mecry:" So did running the bulb on less voltage damage my bulb, or the transition back to the correct voltage? What happed? Is it possible that my bulb finally decided to die exactly at that moment, I mean it's rated for 100+ hours, I did buy it used "though in perfect condition. Could it really have just been bad timing? Note: I can not see any damage to the filament, it still looks intact:thinking: and, obviously the high beam still works.