Excluded Email Address (other forums)

I had something similar happen to me the other day - I was downloading OS software and they asked for an email address. I put in my gmail address, as I didn't mind getting emails from this provider, and it bounced back, saying that it didn't accept email addresses from that domain because of spam. I popped in an old Yahoo email and it went through :huh:

In any case, if the "blade" I'm thinking of is the one you wanted to use, you have to have an increased membership to sell, too, but it is very active and you'd probably get lots of interest if you're selling decent stuff..
The spammers frequently hit bulliten boards and board owners are "vetting" applications for membership. Hotmail and Gmail addys don't generally cut it and if your ISP's been associated with spam attacks you can be declined. Usually the declining email will include an address to appeal. If you take the time/effort to appeal, it lets them know you "are for real." and they let you in.

Rather than sending spam, it may be Verizon's spam fighting that created the exclusion. A year or year and a half ago, Verizon was blocking very large IP segments to the point that most of Europe couldn't even send to one of their addresses. It was creating quite a bit of bad feelings on the net. It could be that the forum was getting their mail blocked by Verizon, at least for awhile, and the exclusion resulted. I can't say, but it's a possiblility.

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