Thank you bykfixer.
Empath, looks like I can get in trouble while trying not to. The situation is definitely different than it was just two months ago. The drivers can find the place, but they don't understand why the place is closed and it is a frustrating chore just to get them to park across the road, up against a curve where that brick building is and we will be open at I can't let you in park over here till morning. Not you do this for almost 10 minutes and it makes you wish that somebody that was born here (no matter what race, male or female) was driving that truck. Born here? Yeah, most adults that come here never get to speaking better than those customer service reps at your phone company, but the ones that are born here speak like we do and there is proper two way communication. Also, the drivers I encounter now vs then is a clue that something might be going on, but it is a clue, not disrespect.
I DO believe though that everyone that comes into this country needs to speak the best english they can with a relaxed dialect instead of a tense one that makes me want to cringe. I've gotten where I will hang up on reps that I know will be difficult to talk to after telling them "I'm sorry, we can't have proper communication" and keep calling back till I get one that can understand me and I can understand them. It's the companies that are disrespecting these people by putting them in places where communication is important, but they speak broken english, but the companies get away with paying them less rather than trying to hire an American that would tell that company off for their measily wages. It's like companies are exploiting and taking advantage of these immigrants. Tell me how they can even read the road signs if they can't fully understand english--isn't that a bit dangerous??
Now I'm tired of crossing these invisible lines that I don't even know are here and getting in trouble for it while toning myself way down and biting my tongue. Before long I won't be able to even judge what's right or wrong here without " injecting my opinion" and that will be a bad thing. Nowadays all that matters is what google, youtube and fb says is right and wrong while the rest of the web is following suit.
I have enough trouble as it is without worrying about people getting offended about stuff I say on a forum. If I'm not careful enough now I will NEVER be, so do what you have to do--powers that be. It's like the word police is tailgating me trying to find something on me as soon as I pull out of my yard.