exploding Li-ion batteries from Wicked Lasers?

Some newer arrivals are reporting to have shipped with orange MNKE 1400mAh IMR's.

Makes me think they tried to cheap out on a bad brand that claimed IMR, might have been just a bad battery.
I've confirmed that batteries being shipped now are Sanyo UR18650A 2250mAh. These are much better then the greens that were first shipped.
What do you expect when buying crap, using a crap charger like that, next to a TV on a wood table? Fortunately, Mother Nature has a way of selecting out who's genes get passed on.
The charger looks like one of those awful DX cheapies. I had one of those, and it not only doesn't cut off when the charge is complete, it doesn't even slow down. I'm not surprised a nasty 1300mAh battery gave it up while in that deathtrap.