Having the benefit of being 4sevens brother, I raided his old stash of discarded luxeons.
here it is, 38 old Luxeon 1 watts in serial epoxied to an edge of a ruler.........jacked directly into 110v wall power !! :
it flickers at 60hz which is irritating to the human eye.
makes for nice effects on video: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-931149326316374823&hl=en
need a power rectifier or something.
Heats up to a scorching 150 degrees F
can't wait until the cree's become disposable.....
here it is, 38 old Luxeon 1 watts in serial epoxied to an edge of a ruler.........jacked directly into 110v wall power !! :

it flickers at 60hz which is irritating to the human eye.
makes for nice effects on video: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-931149326316374823&hl=en
need a power rectifier or something.
Heats up to a scorching 150 degrees F
can't wait until the cree's become disposable.....
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