Extreme novice needs help fixing light


Newly Enlightened
Aug 30, 2009
So I love flashlights but don't really have the aptitude to really get into the nuts & bolts of things. But, I have two Romisens (RC G2 Q5 & RC G2) that I am hoping will have an easy fix and someone on the forum can help me with. They do not always come on when clicked requiring me to twist the tail to get the full beam or tap the head against my hand. Sometimes when I tap it will flicker or sometimes when I go thru twisting the tail routine the beam will be weak until once again tightened. The light will then work o.k. for awhile but will soon require the same routine to be useable. Suggestions?

BTW, although I am often lost in some of the discussions, I love the forum. And while I seem to really love the Romisens I have purchased the fenix TK20 and am waiting on a nightcore D10. You guys think you get hassled for being a flashaholic think what it is like for a woman! Hey, on that note I would love the women on the forum to id themselves.
Looks like a case of dirty thread/contact. Try the following:
- clean the threads at both head and tail-cap assembly
- re-lube with thin grease/oil
- tighten the tail-cap retaining ring
Hope this helps... ;)
I had a failure the other day with a Romisen RC-F4.
It just wouldn't work period, and I was more annoyed as I had upgraded the led in this one, done all the usual checks etc, no cure.
Found it quite by accident when I dropped the end cap onto my hard wooden table and you could just about hear something loose, turns out it was the switch had come undone slightly in the tail cap, so out with long nose pliers to tighten up, perfect since then.
Just a thought, hope it is something simple, that's not going to cost.
You could try the Rookiedaddy suggestion. All you need to do this is alcohol, cotton, lubricant ( i trust Deoxit for lubricate most flashlight i have ). Ekstra detail based on Rookiedaddy suggestion:

1.) Remove the bezel and the flashlight tail cap

2.) Clean the threads / contact using cotton soaked alcohol, dont forget to clean the tail cap threads / contact as well

3.) This picture below show dirt on thread/contact

4.) Last step lubricate the flashlight threads using decent lubricant. This Deoxit also help improves conductivity.

5.) Screw the bezel and tail cap again

If this step does not help, just be patient for the D10. Once you have it, you will love it and won't regret it. But most people complain for stiff piston drive.
First time i got my D10, i feel it very stiff ( if you are used to use clicky switch you will find the piston is stiff ). I could fix easily, i just take the piston apart and lube it with deoxit. After that i feel the piston much smooth and better. Hope this somewhat help.

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I had a failure the other day with a Romisen RC-F4.
It just wouldn't work period, and I was more annoyed as I had upgraded the led in this one, done all the usual checks etc, no cure.
Found it quite by accident when I dropped the end cap onto my hard wooden table and you could just about hear something loose, turns out it was the switch had come undone slightly in the tail cap, so out with long nose pliers to tighten up, perfect since then.
Just a thought, hope it is something simple, that's not going to cost.

Seem the wise word arround CPF " You get what you pay" is true. If you want reliable flashlight it's a good idea to get reputable brand. It's would not be nice when you need your flashlight and at the same time your flashlight doesn't want to fire up or have the other problem.
This is just what i have in mind . . .
Thanks for the replies! As soon as I get some lubricant I will give it a go.
Also be sure to clean the head and contacts not just the tailcap, sometimes the movement of tightening the tail jostles the head enough to make contact.
I'm not familiar with those lights, but along with cleaning like these guys have suggested, look inside the tailcap, and see if there is a way to tighten the switch module. Might be a pair of dimples or notches you can fit the tips of needlenose pliers into.
I had a Fenix L1P whose switch would start working intermittently on occasion, and loosening then re-tightening the switch would always get it working again, even when it was tight and nothing seemed wrong to begin with...