Hello Skiersl,
In order to discuss your question we need to define some terms...
A standard charge involves charging at 0.1C for 16 hours. This is usually considered a slow charge.
If your charger utilizes - delta V or dT/dt (temperature) termination, the battery manufacturers recommend charging in the 0.5C - 1.0C range. This is referred to as fast charging.
Now, if you are using a 15 minute charger, that is really fast charging.
Capacity is determined using the standard charge, and a 5 hour discharge. Cycle life testing can also be done utilizing the standard charge, but some companies (Sanyo and others) use an accelerated test method for cycle life. This involves charging at 1C.
So, which is better?
If you are looking for 500 cycles, I would suggest charging at 1C. If you are hoping for more than 500 cycles and can accurately determine the state of charge when you go to charge your cells, then you may want to consider the standard charge.