Favourlight Mini Lantern Disambiguation Guide


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 4, 2007
Hudson Valley
One of the more popular Cree LED lanterns seen and discussed on this board belongs to Favourlight, model LTC-1613AA. See here for a picture:


-and specifications:

"XR-E Cree LED – Up to 136 lumens
Innovative Convex Reflector provides Flawless Reflection
3-Mode Electronic Switch - HIGH, LOW & FLASHING
Instant Off at any mode
Green LED Indicator shows lantern in Darkness/Emergency
Aluminium Body with Rubber End Caps
Removable Top Cap provides Forward Area Light
DC-DC Regulated Circuit
Water Resistant

Metallic Red, Blue, Black, Silver or Charcoal

High > Low > Off
[Press 3 seconds for FLASHING]
[INSTANT OFF at any mode]
[Green LED Indicator flashes every 5 seconds]
3 x 1.5V AA Size Alkaline Batteries [ Included]

25hrs HIGH [Maximum Ouput: 7hrs]
50hrs LOW
2yrs Green LED Indicator

1 x XR-E Cree XLAMP White LED
Up to 136 lumens

Plastic Buckles & Carabiner

Φ55mm x 130mm

197g [With Batteries]"

Current Draw:

"Cree version was 440mA (high), 180mA (low) whereas the K2 was 340mA (high), 130mA (low) using recently charged NiMh" <---measurements taken by Dexter49 here

This includes the K2 iteration, the contemporary Cree version in cool white rated at 136 lumens as seen here:


and the warm white version rated at 110 lumens as seen here:


However, there are several copies of the Favourlight floating around, including the one at the LED Shoppe as seen here:


which does *not* have a flashing mode and does *not* have a Cree.

While it is sometimes impossible to tell from an online ad whether something is the "real deal" or not, you can do the following to increase your chances of buying a Favourlight model:

1) Call or e-mail the retailer/reseller and ask if the OEM is Favourlight. They may tell you, they may not.

2) Look for the product model "LTC-1613AA" in the product name. For example, the model on Batteryjunction's website branded

"eGear" maintains Favourlight's original model name, "LTC-1613AA." The warm white version has a "W" appended to the end.

3) Does the ad mention a Cree LED? Most resellers would like to brag that there is a Cree inside. If it doesn't say so, stay away, or know that you are not getting the Favourlight.

4) Look for "Flashing Mode." Again, this is no guarantee, but the UI on the Favourlight models, cool white and warm white, goes "High, Low, Off; Hold for three seconds to activate flashing mode," where after a few seconds at *any* stage, the next button press turns the light off. Probably my favorite lantern UI. Pay attention to the ad. Does it specify a flashing mode? Does it specify the order? When in doubt, always ask the seller, or buy knowing that you are not getting the Favourlight.

5) Construction counts. Look at the body; it should be aluminum with rubber end caps. Here is the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer's) website for the cool white model:


and the warm white model:


-see how it specs an aluminum housing? If the housing is plastic, it is not the real deal.

Also, refer to the links above. Do the specs on the reseller's site match the specs on Favourlight's site? If not, shop elsewhere, or, know you are not buying the real McCoy.

This light loves to play hide and seek under different brandings. See below for my attempt to sort some of this out! ;)
Summative Links:

Original Manufacturer's Page (Favourlight)

Cool White:



-136 "cool" lumens
-Metallic Red, Blue, Black, Silver, or Charcoal
-25 hours high, max. 7 hours
-50 hours low
-50 hours flashing
-197 grams with batteries

Warm White:



-110 "warm" lumens
-Metallic Blue, Black, or Charcoal
-24 hours high, max. 6.5 hours
-48 hours low
-55 hours flashing
-202.6 grams with batteries

NOTE: Since the lanterns appear to include Duracell branded batteries, I think it is a safe bet to assume the runtimes are stated with alkalines. I would guess if the DC-DC regulation is done well, one would most likely see better times off Eneloops.

Other Brandings, by Tint and Country of Sale:

United States

River Rock Label, Cool White, U.S. Distribution:

Website here

eGear Label, Cool White, U.S. Distribution:


Unbranded, Warm White, U.S. Distribution

http://www.neweggmall.com/Product/2005583910/product.html (tint bin to be added)

Update: 5/21/09 3:40 P.M.

I just spoke to the man behind "etoolscity," the company selling the warm white version. I asked him if he could confirm that the light was made by Favourlight. While he would not say who made it since it is unbranded, he did tell me the model number. Can you guess? Yep, it is "LTC-1613AA-W," which matches Favourlight's designation to a "T". He told me that the light was just added to their inventory, and the sale price is a promotion good until around the beginning of June.

They appear to be the *only* company in the United States selling the warm white version. So, if you have been waiting for a warm white mini lantern to appear for sale in the U.S., now there is one. :) Perhaps this will encourage some of the other vendors to stock Favourlight's warm version as well.

Update: 3/31/11 2:49 P.M.

I just spoke to someone at eGear, asking them if they would be willing to carry the warm white version. He said the owner was flexible and very willing to respond to market demands. Who knows? Maybe we'll have two U.S. dealers selling the warm white version soon! Since River Rock is the only other known U.S. dealer for this lantern, I tried calling them to see if they would stock the warm white iteration, but no one answered.

Update: 5/21/09 7:13 P.M.

I explained to the guy at etoolscity that I was having trouble seeing the packaging on the warm white mini lantern. He offered to send me clearer, closer pictures, and I accepted his offer gladly. These are photos of the LTC-1613AA-W, in its unbranded state. Note how it says "CREE XLamp WW CAMPING LANTERN."

Update: 4/08/11 1:20 P.M.

One of the gentlemen from eToolscity called back a few days ago. In the message, he stated that there was no plan to upgrade the LED from an XR-E to an XP-G. :-(


United Kingdom

Silverpoint Label, Cool White, UK Distribution:


Alpkit Label, Cool White, UK Distribution:



Genesis Label, Cool White, Canadian Distribution:



Primus Super Nova Label, Cool White, Australian Distribution:


http://tinyurl.com/oz9alm <----look closely at the description on this page

To submit additional models for other regions of the world, please post in this thread, and I will add them to the list! In addition, if and when I have supplementary information to add about the companies, their labels, the introduction of an affordable warm white version, or other facts, I will add them to the above if they are relevant, or to the thread proper if they do not mesh with the format as presented.

I hope this helps my fellow LED lantern lovers. Goodness knows I have spent way too long scratching my head trying to sort all this out!

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Have just come across this and have to say thanks very much.:thumbsup:
I am on the lookout for a small lantern and read this and saved myself a few £££.
The 2 available in the UK are different prices by about £10.
Many thanks,
Brian, you are very welcome. I am glad it is helping people. I am also a "Br-eye-ann," but with a "Y": "Bryan."

Enjoy your new lantern!
Brian, you are very welcome. I am glad it is helping people. I am also a "Br-eye-ann," but with a "Y": "Bryan."

Enjoy your new lantern!

Thanks it was a great help.
Enjoying using it already.

Brian is of Celtic Irish origin. Its original meaning is not known for certain but it is possibly related to the Old Celtic element bri, meaning hill, or by extension high and/or noble[1] or alternatively the old Celtic element "bri", which means "exalted".[2]
One of the earliest persons to bring fame to this name was Brian Boru, an ancient Irish high king who thwarted Viking attempts to conquer Ireland in the 11th century. His army was victorious in the Battle of Clontarf, but he was slain. The Irish O'Brien clan, one of the most common surnames in Ireland, takes their name from him.
Variants of the name include Briant, Brien, Bran, Brion, Bryan, Bryant, Brjánn (in Icelandic) and Bryon.[3]
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I just got one of these from target. It is labeled as a NIGHTFIRE 3AA LED LANTERN. It still has the River Rock logo writing on the light, a well as on the corner of the packaging. 136 Lumens Bright. CREE logo on front as well. I paid 21.79 plus tax. It is the cool white version.


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WARM WHITE is awesome! I didn't think much of it until I got one. It's such a nicer more inviting light to hang out around. I mean for purely utilitarian purposes it may not matter, but at your campsite, believe me it affects the mood a lot more than you might think.
This thread hasn't been updated for awhile, so if anyone has information on these lanterns and their various labels, please PM me and I will update the first post. :thumbsup:
Re: warm white LED Lantern

I can't be sure of the actual brand but a warm white LED lantern with the same look and feel as those already mentioned is available currently on Amazon for $25.
Judging by the reviews it looks to be the real "warm white LED" deal.

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It is the real deal. eToolsCity seems to be the only importer of these in the states (and I spent a long time on the phone while writing up this thread calling around to see who else sells it). :crazy:

I own four of these, and the tints vary ever so slightly, but they are definitely the real deal. The photos I linked in the initial post are of this same lantern.
EGear sells them under their name on egear.com and batteryjunction.com sells them too under the egear brand the one pictured is called the Grenade and the newest version puts out 136 lumens with a XR-E Led.

I have the Spirit model with 4AA's it puts out 185 lumens and can change from a Lantern to a flashlight. it's a well built light and very bright
EGear sells them under their name on egear.com and batteryjunction.com sells them too...
The lanterns sold under the eGear name or those sold at Target branded as Nightfire/River Rock do not use the warm white LED specifically. These lanterns including the one I posted above DO have the same case and look on the outside but the LED's used inside are not the same. I've also found that the River Rock lanterns at Target aren't all the same, some still have the older K2 LEDs while the newer version come with the Cree.
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Thx for clarifing,Filibuster. I like the case and design of these lights. They are a definite step up in quality and performace that most AA mini-lanterns.

Not cheap but will outlast most of the other lanterns out there and take abuse from campers/hikers/daypackers and keep working in the rain and snow
I have a few of these in warm white that I keep around just for power outages. I recently discovered something that may be common knowledge, but it wasn't to me. I found that the switch and locator led can be locked out while the batteries are in the lantern. By doing this it should virtually eliminate parasitic battery drain. With the batteries installed I just unscrewed the battery cover until the locator led quit blinking and then gave it another quarter turn out for good measure. The base still has a majority of threads engaged so it should be more than adaquate for storage. When the next power outage comes along, just a couple of quick turns on the battery cover and I should have fresh batteries to depend upon.
Excellent tip, maskman, and one which I meant to post myself! :ohgeez:

The two warm mini lanterns on my dresser next to my bed all have this "treatment," so that there is no flashing LED, but the batteries are always ready.
I just called eToolscity and eGear to ask whether or not Favourlight intends to upgrade the XR-E in the cool and warm white iteration of these products to XP-G any time soon...:whistle:...I'm currently on hold waiting for the owner of eGear to pick up the phone and answer my question. The gentleman at eToolscity has my name and number, and said he would get back to me with an answer. The guy at eGear had no idea what an XR-E was, and sounded very, very confused.

When he got back on the line, he said the owner was very flexible in responding to the market, and would be willing to import the 110 lumen warm white version if there was demand for it. On the phone, I gave him the link to this thread, and suggested he read it. I also pointed out the CPF rules regarding shilling, and advised that if he post here, he should use his company's name so we know who he is. I also pointed out the Marketplace, and advised him on the rules regarding subscriptions for dealers there, i.e. that if he wanted to sell there, he would need to abide by CPF-MP rules.

EDIT: 3/31/11 2:45 P.M.

I just updated the first post to supply the missing link to the River Rock page for the cool white version of this product. Their website was defunct when I wrote the first post, but they have one now. :party:

To summarize, there appear to be three dealers in the United States selling the cool white version of this product, including eToolscity, eGear, and River Rock. eGear and River Rock use their labels, while eToolscity lacks a house brand. At the time of this posting, only eToolscity stocks the 110 lumen warm white version. Hey eGear and River Rock, when are you gonna join the warm white party? Warm white is more than just a fad now, and there are folks out there who'd love to hand you their cash...
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LEDAddict, thanks very much for keeping this thread in great condition!

This is a wonderful little lantern, love the 3xAA form factor, nice warm tint. 110 lumen is plenty for me, I usually use it on the lower "48-hour" setting. Just ordered two more from Newegg for $32 ea. as they're currently not available from Amazon or eToolcity.

Interesting when you find a quality product like this, that's hard to track down...

A beamshot of the one I own...against an eggshell (yellowish, not white) wall...that plus the underexposure exaggerates the color...in use you'd mistake it for an incan...


Unscrew the top and use it as a "no hotspot" (or is that, "very wide hotspot") 60-degree beam flashlight (on the left):

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My pleasure! I was actually going to ask if you would repost that beamshot here, and I am really glad you did.

I own four, and I rarely use them, since I wind up using my L-Mini II in tailstanding mode. However, that is my habit and in no way a discredit to how cool these lanterns are. I leave them with Eneloops and the bottoms partially unscrewed to eliminate the blinking green LED so they are ready to go. I am guessing you won't be able to attend Photo Festival 16 because of your indicated location, but it would be cool to have a Favourlight warm white presence.
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