fedex driver needs to see house numbers


Newly Enlightened
Dec 13, 2008
just like the title says, i am a fedex driver in California looking for a powerful FL to see address numbers from the street-- say about 50 yards

any ideasi ws looking at the SF g2 led?
You want to spend lots of money?

If you don't, then the Task Force 2C Cree from Lowes, or the Husky 4W 2D from Home Depot are currently good value choices.
Ohh I always forget about the TaskForce and husky. I would say go to the HomeDepot in West Covina (if its close to you) and pick up the husky (make sure its the LED not the one that takes bulbs)
Do you have any kind of rechargeable batteries at the moment? If you already own a AA or AAA charger then it makes sense to buy a light that runs on those, if you don't then you have a few more options open. Either way, it makes sense to get rechargeable batteries of you are going to be using your light a lot since powerful lights use batteries quickly.
sounds like you'd be using the light quite a bit, how about a dedicated rechargeable? (put the light in the charging station before bed) Streamlight makes quite a few, mostly for law enforcement. I'd recommend the Streamlight Strion, it's small enough to keep in your pocket or on your belt until you need it. It's also got a focusable beam and is quite capable at 50 yards.
If you want a dependable light, invest a little bit of money ($150) and get either the Surefire E1b or the Surefire E2DL. Very bright and reliable lights from what I am told and what I have seen when I've played around with them in a Law Enforcement store. They won't let you down.
Dont get the G2LED get a regular G2 and then get a Malkoff M60 drop in, If you would like I could link you to both items

According to Makoff you shouldn't put an M60 in a plastic light. It would work great in a Surefire 6P or 9P.

The M60 drop-in is a great option though, because of its amazing throw. Here is the link to Malkoff's website:
:welcome: If you want something that is LED based and is considered one of the best throwers for its size in a single battery light I'd look at a Jetbeam II IBS. It can be setup to work very simply and will run from primary or rechargeable batteries but it also has a lot of options if you should need them. However the options such as strobe (maybe for a driving emergency?) are tucked well out of the way so you don't accidentally bring them up. Fully variable brightness if you need it or just one click on will get you full brightness if you set it up that way. Around $70. For maximum throw get the Jet II IBS and NOT the Jet II Pro (which is nice but not quite as strong).
BTW we like our Fedex drivers here as they bring us more flashlights :D
ok great guys thaks ill go start shopping tomorw it gets quite dark starting at 1700 hrs
just get one of those Sam's POB HID lights that should light up things well enough to see :D
+1 for a Malkoff.

Nice to know that SOME Fedex drivers look at house numbers. Around here, they don't. I had one package of mine delivered to an entire different subdivision and when questioned, the driver stated "Well the box looked similar to the boxes that a guy who lives at "XXX" always gets. I thought it was his."
just like the title says, i am a fedex driver in California looking for a powerful FL to see address numbers from the street-- say about 50 yards

any ideasi ws looking at the SF g2 led?

Just get one of the Coleman 530 lumen spotlights with the 12v DC adaptor (think they're available at Walmart), it has a run time of about 2 hrs so you can detach the charging cable and still have the use of the spotlight. 50 yards for that baby would not be a problem
I would go with something simple like a Pelican 7060.You could put the holster on your belt and carry it around all day and put it in it's charging cradle at night,ready for the next day.The built in battery gives more than an hour of run time and the light can throw over 100 yards with ease.
How about a LED version of the Maglite, available at most department and hardware stores. If you really want some output though, I'd go with a Wolf-Eyes rechargeable light. You can find them at PTS-Flashlights and here or here just to name a couple places.(check my sigline for a review of the Raider)
If your truck has a cig lighter outlet then go with one of those spotlights that can run off the vehicle's power, like another poster said. Those things are usually actually very bright, but they just don't run very long on batteries. Not a problem with vehicle powered lights.
Fenix E20 LED Flashlight for about $35 will provide an adjustable beam. Waterproof, solid, simple one button switch. Uses AAs -- rechargeable cells will run about three hours.
just get one of those Sam's POB HID lights that should light up things well enough to see :D

That might also have the side effect of making the driver walk less, since the people expecting a delivery will just meet the guy at his truck, thinking a UFO landed in the street.

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