I was thinking about the potential of AAA cells, to be honest, I don't feel like there is much of any reason to use 3AAA in place of a C when a 18500 li-ion has similar voltage and nearly double the capacity, but I just noticed that 4AAA cells will also fit in place of a C cell, which might open up a few doors for certain mods using high current capable cells. I think I could do 12AAA>3C adapters and longer, not sure about doing 8AAA in 2C as the end caps would have to be very thin, no grantees there.... but before I start ordering up materials for prototyping, I'd like to get a feel for the idea and if there is any potential here. Price would be something like $25-35 depending on length. If you are interested or think this is a good idea, let me know in this thread, or, if you think it's a lame idea, please tell me
Thanks everyone!
Thanks everyone!