Fenix E0, anyone else disappointed


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 26, 2005
SE Michigan
Yeah, Ken, I think at least some of the dissatisfaction is due to poor samples of LED's. Taking one in the wallet for the team, I now have four E0's, and while my first natural one was bluer than my Arc, I might have left it alone. But the first black one was just terrible before I put in a particularly warm CS LED. Glad I found out how easy that is. The two new ones I got from 4sevens are about the same as the better of the original two, so based on a still not staggering sample size, I would say the really dissapointing LED's are in the minority here. And it is indeed the LED, because with a choice LED my worst example now looks very nice, so the circuit is driving it just fine (as intended - long running, modest brightness).



Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 22, 2006
Ventura, CA.
javafool said:
Thanks, I would appreciate the information. Good luck with the shed and make sure you are pounding the correct nails, LOL. Been there, done that!


when I was there I used screws instead of nails and I'm glad I did.
an impact driver (makita) and square drives go in quickly.
got ss if you want 'em.

...still trying to decide between the l2s (not on the fenix chart!) or l2t (with additional single aa barrels.).


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 3, 2004
Below is a typical Picture of Nichia CS LED that is used in Fenix E0

Notice the amount of phosper...

(i do not have a microscope, so at this moment this is the best what i can do)

Lit Up

Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 8, 2006
thelightdude said:
I carried my new EO for three days on my keyring. Yesterday I took it off.

I have been spoiled by the LOP I was using for several months. I realize they are not comparable lights, however, the LOP really gives you an edge especially as an easy to carry keychain light.

While the EO is excellent overall light, it dosen't throw a wall of light like the LOP.

That's pretty much my feelings on it too. Alot have stated it's good for around the house, but if I grab my keys, I'm going somewhere. And we do live in the kind of world where you can be grocery shopping one minute and running for your life the next in maybe not the most ideal lighting conditions. (UK subway bombing anyone?) And it may not always be feasible to carry multiple lights, and some days you may just may simply forget to grab the EDC.

So, with what you do carry, I'll just adopt the gun philosophy to flashlights here: Better to have the lumens and not need them than to need the lumens and not have them.

Strange world out there, pack bright.


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 10, 2004
Billings, Montana, USA
Lit Up said:
That's pretty much my feelings on it too. Alot have stated it's good for around the house, but if I grab my keys, I'm going somewhere. And we do live in the kind of world where you can be grocery shopping one minute and running for your life the next in maybe not the most ideal lighting conditions. (UK subway bombing anyone?) And it may not always be feasible to carry multiple lights, and some days you may just may simply forget to grab the EDC.

So, with what you do carry, I'll just adopt the gun philosophy to flashlights here: Better to have the lumens and not need them than to need the lumens and not have them.

Strange world out there, pack bright.

Well then, in that case, Fenix has 2 other AAA lights that are brighter than the E0. They give you an option to buy the light with the brightness you want. Heck, in the future they may even offer a light that combines the L0P, E1 and E0 into one.


Feb 15, 2001
chevrofreak said:
Heck, in the future they may even offer a light that combines the L0P, E1 and E0 into one.

Bring it on!!! If not Fenix, then perhaps Photon, Peak, Arc or... A three stage AAA light is what we all want and need.



Newly Enlightened
Jan 30, 2005
As small as the E0 is, I do not have to worry about having a light. If I have my keys (which is all the time), I have my light. I realize some people don't always have their keys in their pocket.

I am indoors most of the time, so I just need a little more light to see in an assembly and the E0 provides the right amount of light without the reflections blinding me. If I need more light, I have my P1.


Newly Enlightened
Nov 23, 2003
Chicago area
scott said:
Bring it on!!! If not Fenix, then perhaps Photon, Peak, Arc or... A three stage AAA light is what we all want and need.


A three stage AA Fenix would also be nice.
I could retire my HDS and use cheap AA bateries.


Aug 27, 2006
Lit Up said:
That's pretty much my feelings on it too. Alot have stated it's good for around the house, but if I grab my keys, I'm going somewhere. And we do live in the kind of world where you can be grocery shopping one minute and running for your life the next in maybe not the most ideal lighting conditions. (UK subway bombing anyone?) And it may not always be feasible to carry multiple lights, and some days you may just may simply forget to grab the EDC.

So, with what you do carry, I'll just adopt the gun philosophy to flashlights here: Better to have the lumens and not need them than to need the lumens and not have them.

Strange world out there, pack bright.

I never forget my main torch..... since it's always clipped to the left-front pocket of my pants. :grin2:

The day I get ready to go outside, and forget my pants, will be a sad day indeed! :eeksign:

This is why I prefer my main torches to have pocket-carry clips.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 29, 2004
Atlanta, GA
Badbeams said:
The L0P does tend to spoil you. Such a nice wall of light from such a small package. I look forward to getting a E1-47 from 7777...if it becomes a reality. Similar beam as the L0P...little dimmer...but 3 hour regulated run time. Sounds real sweet to me.


E1-47 is now up at fenixstore.com



Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 28, 2000
Alright! Ordered mine...maybe I`ll be the first kid on my block with one! Thanks for the heads up 7777 :)

Last edited:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 23, 2003
Personally , I'm extremely satisfied with the Fenix E0! As you can see from my post count and join date I love lights and I've been here long enough to have a good idea of my needs and what to expect from various configurations.

The Rigel in the E1 was something new for me and although I've decided it isn't "all that" for me, that is mainly because I've realized that the efficiency of emitters right now is such that a single level AAA light doesn't have the photon capacity to serve my needs as a primary light. The E1 is a cool little light but I personally find that it isn't the AAA "sweet spot" light I need. The brightness above and beyond other AAA lights comes at too great a sacrifice in runtime for my use as a with-me-when-my-keys-are-backup light.

The E0 really hits that sweet spot!!! I find the light level to be quite adequate for a huge variety of tasks. Of course , the area that needs to be illuminated and ambient light will certainly effect my perception of it's adequacy from situation to situation. The output from the E0 is certainly adequate to illuminate small circuit boards and flashlight parts in my lit kitchen as I hold the light with my lips and work with my hands. The output is fine for looking under a desk , in a computer case, illuminateing a defective car instrument panel, looking into a breaker box (or many other utility boxes in dark environments), getting to the bathroom at night, looking for something I've dropped in a dark theater, picking up after my dog during his evening walk, reading as my woman sleeps, lighting up a tent or getting around a campsight, etc.

Of course, I wouldn't even think of useing it to spoil an intruders vision as a defensive tactic or look for my dog if he runs off at night. That would be silly. The E0 has a particular intended use and that really must be understood if folks are to be happy with the purchase. Those who buy without getting the information about the light when it is so readily and easily available have only themselves to blame for their dissatisfaction. I think we are all guilty from time to time of misplaceing blame when we become unhappy with a situation. It really isn't fair to make post after post in hopes of souring others on the light because one makes a buying decision based on ignorance.

My only gripe with the E0 , and this may be unfounded, is that the anodize is very different than other natural HA that I'm familiar with. I suspect this is due to the thickness of the oxide. I suspect that the E0 oxide layer is thinner than that specified as "Type III". This is just a suspicion.

I love the fact that I can now carry 10-16 hours of very functional brightness on my keychain. To me this means that just by changeing the battery as a precaution, once a year, I will most likely have enough light on tap to get through most emergencies and even in a longer term blackout situation, I can supplement very bright cr123 based lights and preserve their harder to obtain energy with ubiquitous (and even handcrank rechargeable, IIRC) AAA's!

The E0 has a very nicely thought out design (and I feel superior) when compared to the Arc AAA. I do think that the Arc uses higher quality materials and may stand up to destructive abuse better but only time will tell if the Fenix has any problem with hard use or harsh environments. The Fenix will have to put up with a very dirty, salty, humid environment during it's life with me. Most likely it will also receive an unfair share of hard drops , abrasion, and bumps between my body and steel, stone, and wood. It will get wet and I will certainly ***** and let you all know if it doesn't stand up to it.

There is no doubt in my mind that Fenix and it's dealers have a nice profit built into the twenty-dollar-shipped price tag but as long as it sells, that is their perogative and relative to other 5mm/AAA keychain lights I don't think the price is unreasonable. I'm sure competition will heat up soon once mag updates the solitaire . Either way, the Fenix E0 is a fantastic option to have if it suits and it's nice that the number of lights in this category continues to expand and diversify.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 27, 2002
4sevens wrote: "E1-47 is now up at fenixstore.com

and so is a comparison review in the CPF Reviews section -

Fenix E1-47 "Special" Comparison Review

Back on topic -
many thanks NewBie for posting your runtime plot -
this is now the third runtime that I've seen that corroborate each other -
with about 11 hours to 50% (or about 9hours almost flat) with diminishing brightness out to about 20+ hours on plain alkaline.

Impressive for a mere 5mm light on a single AAA -
that's about 2x brighter than the previous generation 5mm LEDs
and with a really good runtime.
Unheard of even a few months ago......