Fenix Finish Options


Mar 13, 2007
Lone Star State
I was looking at the Fenix 2PD lights and noticed three finish options:

1. Black Finish Textured

2. Natural Finish

3. Natural Finish Textured

Can someone describe the difference in these finish options? They all appear the same in the pictures, and they were all black in color. Thanks.
I would say that the black is black with a textured reflector

Natural is like a silver color holds up better than black

and the nat textured would be the reflector also
Jon1996, so is the textured reflector the preferred option? Thanks for your post.
It depends... do you want maximum throw on your light? Go with the smooth reflector, but you get to live with some artifacts in the beam (which to me, are not a problem). If you favor smooth beams, go with the textured reflector, but you sacrifice some throw.

Also, natural doesn't really "hold up better than black", it's just that the scratches are not as noticeable as they are against the black finish.
I have a Fenix E0 and L0D CE, both natural. The color varies- the E0 is a silvery color while the L0D is a strong yellowish-brass color. Fenix is replacing natural with olive (don't drop it in a field, you'll never find it again unless its on) really nice color if you're going on patrol in a jungle behind enemy lines somewhere I guess. OrangePeel reflectors smooth out the beam for a nicer flood effect while smooth reflectors help concentrate the beam better for more throw.