Fenix forward clickie switch measurements?


Sep 21, 2005
Toronto, Canada
Can anyone with a Fenix clickie help me out?

I found this Fenix Tactical Switch Module and Boot kit and would like to know the following dimensions if you have this part:

Board diameter, switch boot diameter, flange diameter.


Apparently these are replacements for any Fenix clickie light (except T1 and TK10), any help is much appreciated!
I have the old Fenix forward clickey (yellow and black, less reliable). It looks a lot like an Edgetac forward clicky.

The dimensions are:

17 mm board width
15.9 mm flange width (perhaps 16 mm?)
12 mm boot diameter

THe reverse clicky stuff should be the same diameters, but the swich is much lower profile and hence the switch boot is a lot shorter (allows tailstanding).

Yep, just verified, the reverse clicky boots have the same diameter.

Hope this helps!

EDIT: My mistake, I was measureing a Nitecore clicky (which fits) at 17 mm. THe old Fenix one is 16 mm for the board.
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