Fenix LD and PD series Comparison Pix


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 27, 2002
I just got these from 4sevens (http://4sevens.com)

"LD" series compared to the "L" series -

"PD" series compared to "P" series -

Both the photos are to the same scale - so the sizes can be compared directly between the photos.
Thanks for the images :)
The new ones seem to be little longer.. :ohgeez:
Have you tried mixing the new and old bodys/heads/tailcaps.. do they fit and work together?
Oh, and if it's not too much trouble, some comparison beamshots would be lovely..I'm interested to see what has changed with the "new reflector"

Edit: found some beamshots from http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=209451
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Have you tried mixing the new and old bodys/heads/tailcaps.. do they fit and work together?
Oh, and if it's not too much trouble, some comparison beamshots would be lovely..I'm interested to see what has changed with the "new reflector"
Edit: found some beamshots from http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=209451

Interchangeability of the heads and direct side-by-side comparison beamshots are in the review I just posted -

Fenix LD10 Comparison Review
the ld20 looks disproportionaly bigger than its predecessor compared to the other lights. is this true or just a different angle?
Nice comparison pics!

Length according to specs:

L2D: 147 mm
LD20: 150 mm
the ld20 looks disproportionaly bigger than its predecessor compared to the other lights. is this true or just a different angle?

Good eye! thank you for catching that.

It was in fact the "L2D" that was disproportionally short - I had accidentally put a L1T v2.0 head on a L2D body - and that head is slightly shorter than a L1D or L2D head - I didn't realize that until you pointed that out, I looked at that "L2D" and saw my mistake.

I have now replaced the photo with the correct one. Sorry for my mistake - and thanks for the good eye.
Thanks for comparison pics Vincent.
The new ones do perhaps look a little more modern IMHO.