Fenix LD01 - LOD-Q4 replacement


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 29, 2004
Atlanta, GA
I just bought another Q4 aswell, I like strobe, got it today, its got the silver LED, my old Q4 got the yellow LED.

I know silver is made in china, yellow in the states.

The new one got a better/whiter tint, it seems a little brighter too with a more defined hotspot, maybe its just the tint.:thinking:

Has anyone else noticed any difference between the silver/yellow LEDS?
All dies are made in the USA. The silvers are just mounted in China.
Pretty much all Cree distributors in Asia are pulling from China manufacturers.
It makes sense. Shipping and customs are expensive these days.


Newly Enlightened
Oct 28, 2008
Somebody said Fenix is targeted at way more people than CPF.

But unless you trip over it with a google search that puts you here or trip over them at DX how is the public expected to find them?

I'd have never known were it not for CPF!!!!

I know of Fenix through other sources than CPF (though admittedly a lurker for a long time, I was one of those guys who had owned Maglites for years and was standing by them, until I did see the light and buy a Fenix...) So I can say by no means is CPF the only places that promotes them, but at the same time they are hardly common items, and only really known to those who will appreciate a good torch and put it to use.

You can count me as another person interested in an LD01...
I already have an L1T as a main light, and just got an E01 as a backup: The LD01 looks like it will be a better 'wee' light generally, with a brighter beam and better tint, and the E01 as a backup to that.

Damn you CPF, I used to be happy carrying a Maglite... :thumbsup:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 12, 2004
Brooklyn NY
Nope. We are way over-stock of olive L0D Q4's. I also checked the total
number sold. Compared to black it doesn't even come close to 1/3. I know
before we had the olive L0D Q4, there was almost a riot demanding them.
When we rolled them out, they trickled out like a wounded cactus in the
blistering sun. Well... not like that exactly, but you get the point.
Don't worry, I'm not anti-olive or anti-colors - just saying that olive is not as
in demand as it looks like from threads on CPF :p

And this is why flashlight manufacturers stop listening to you guys...you guys whine/beg/whatever and when the product shows up, the poor dealer can't get rid of em.. (Maybe it's the loudest mouth syndrome)

The L0D is kinda a mass market item among all these chinese lights. Most users I know would like a nice general purpose output with the light on. (Guys still used to single mode lights)


Newly Enlightened
Dec 1, 2007
It looks like thefenixstore has the ld01 dementions listed the same as the l0d, but with a slight increase in weight. -Can anyone confirm that the size of the ld01 is infact slightly bigger than the l0d, or are they the same?

As for the new light itself, I like it and plan on getting one to replace my l0d rebel. I skipped the q4 upgrade, so I feel I need to give this one a try. I would of really liked to see a smaller version, no matter how much smaller, but it seems that this might actually be slightly larger. -Not a deal breaker for me, but hey. I'm glad to see the the strobe and sos go at least.

Can I expect to notice any difference in output with the ld01 over the l0d rebel? Thanks.


Newly Enlightened
Oct 3, 2008
Too bad they made it longer, when I was deciding between the L0D and the LFX2 the fact that the L0D was shorter was the deciding factor.

Otherwise I like it! I haven't found any use for the blinky modes, so losing them simplifies the light. I must be part of the target market, because I DO like the med-low-high sequence. For most of my use the medium level works well. As far as the finish is concerned - I don't care. It's a keychain light, I accept the fact that it is gonna get all chewed up. If you carry it long enough it WILL be natural finish - you could only tell my old Solitaire started out red if you unscrewed the head. :laughing: The PWM never bothered me much, I probably wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't read about it on CPF.

Unfortunately for Fenix I won't be pre-ordering one, though. It's not that much brighter that I just gotta have one, and the PWM and blinky modes on the L0D are not a big annoyance for me. For the most part I just turn it on, look at what I need to see, and then turn it off again. Plus it's bigger, and there's already a shortage of space in my pocket.

kaichu dento

Apr 5, 2008
It looks like thefenixstore has the ld01 dementions listed the same as the l0d, but with a slight increase in weight. -Can anyone confirm that the size of the ld01 is infact slightly bigger than the l0d, or are they the same?

Can I expect to notice any difference in output with the ld01 over the l0d rebel? Thanks.
It's going to be 3mm longer and there will be a noticeable output increase going from an RB80 to a Q5. I've got some RB80's and Q4's and have also had the first Cree model and could see a difference in brightness, but my favorite is still the RB80 because I'm addicted to the tint and lack of cree rings. :thumbsup:
As far as the finish is concerned - I don't care. It's a keychain light, I accept the fact that it is gonna get all chewed up. If you carry it long enough it WILL be natural finish - you could only tell my old Solitaire started out red if you unscrewed the head. :laughing:
It's all personal choice but for me it's not a keychain light, even though most of the people I've given them to have put them on keychains. Mine are still unscratched due to both the durability of the HA III and the fact I don't have them banging around with a bunch of keys.
This is the color I want to see them in > :D !


Aug 24, 2008
Munfordville, KY
Sweet, now I have to get the SS version.....finally a light without that stupid strobe and sos:popcorn: now lets see if they follow suit with the rest of their flashlights:poke:


Newly Enlightened
Oct 5, 2007
Atlanta, Ga
I always thought the sos and strobe were nice to have. Although I realize most people will never need sos, it is nice to know it's there just in case.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 18, 2004
Newark, DE
I don't care about strobe, SOS, or an increase in output over the L0D. Tell me if the PWM doesn't suck, and I'll go buy one.


Newly Enlightened
Oct 28, 2008
What is PWM???

Pulse width modulation

With an led, it is a way of giving multiple output levels from a light that is either on or off.
Full power is made by just turning the led on normally.
A lower power is created by pulsing the led, so the led is on for 50%, off for 50% which gives the perceived effect of less output, you want it dimmer again? change the cycle to 30% on, 70% off...
The on/off pulsing is done at a quick speed, generally faster than the human eye can comprehend (same way as a tv works if you know the idea behind that).

The complaint about the pwm in the older L0D is that it is a slower speed, which despite being fine most of the time and still flickering far quicker than the eye can see, if you pan the torch quickly or shine it on something moving quickly, the speed of the pwm and the speed of the subject can fight each other and give you an odd jerking effect. The new LD10 has an increased pwm speed, so should negate that effect.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 11, 2007
Southern UK

That video doesn't mean anything. Say it's taking frames every 0.1 seconds, and the light on the right goes on and off every 0.1 second. So, when it shows as on, it's on, and when it shows as off, it's off. Now, suppose the light on the left is going on and off 9 times for every single on/off for the light on the right; the camera will catch it as "on" at .9 seconds, then off at 0.18, 0.27, .35, 0.44, 0.53, then on at 0.62, 0. 71, 0.80, 0.99, then off at 1.08, etc, making it appear to be strobing far slower than it really is.