Fenix LOD CE vs LOD Q4


Newly Enlightened
Feb 23, 2006
I already have a LOD CE. Is it worth upgrading to a Q4? What other lights are out there in the same size and brightness?
IMO not worth the upgrade, wait till the later bins come out.

There is a visible difference, just not much of a difference.
I have a LOD CE Q2 and Q4. There is a difference, but I would have to agree with Gunner12, not enough that would keep you from waiting until a higher bin arrives. I am not too impressed with the annodizing on the olive Q4 (small crack looking lines), and the white lettering seems a bit cheap looking. Don't get me wrong, I still love both LOD's, I just don't want to see Fenix start slacking on quality. Hopefully, it is just due to the transition to in house annodizing and Fenix will clear up those issues soon.
IMO not worth the upgrade, wait till the later bins come out.
There is a visible difference, just not much of a difference.

I have to agree here, the difference is usually visible but not *that* big.

However, it depends to some extent on the emitter. I had a chance to compare three different LOD CE's with three different LOD CE Q4's recently, all running on freshly charged Eneloops. The brightest of the LOD CE's was only a tiny bit dimmer than the worst of the LOD Q4's. However, the best of the LOD Q4's was quite a bit brighter than any of the LOD CE's. The Cree lottery at work it seems.

To answer the question - the LOD Q4 is a very nice light, no doubt about it. However, as long as you're happy with your LOD CE I'd I'd wait until the LOD CE R4's hit the market ... :)

I have to agree with what has already been said. I've thought about getting a Q5 L2D to replace my Q4 version, but there wouldn't really be that huge of a performance jump for me to justify it. As much as I'd love to have it, I'll wait until the next "jump", or similar advancement, in LEDs before I replace it.
I dunno, I kind of disagree. My jumps have been these: LOP-SE (at 30 lumens) to LOD-CE (at 50 lumens). Then from LOD-CE to LOD Q4 (at 75 lumens). I skipped the original LOD and the LOD Q2 "special edition". At every upgrade I've gained at least 50% and have sold the "old" model on Ebay for around $30. Every upgrade, including the -CE to the Q4, has been very noticable to the naked eye and has cost around $15 once I sold the older model. To me the upgrade is worth it all around as long as you sell the old one to make up some of the cost.................
I'll have to admit that I'm surprised by this thread! I remember vividly when the arc came out folks would buy EVERY different "special edition....new color!" model that came out. :sssh:

Things have not changed much, I still see people gobbling up every slight change in their favorite models. IMHO, the move from LOD-CE P4 to LOD Q4 is a worthwhile upgrade. I would (and did) sell the obsolete model to help fund it but based on performance there is still enough of a jump to warrant the switch. My only gripe is that since they have not changed the driver since the original LOD the "low" mode just keeps on getting brighter! With the Q4 it's rated at 11 lumens? It's about high time they reprogram the driver for a 2-3 lumen low.................................
I'll have to admit that I'm surprised by this thread! I remember vividly when the arc came out folks would buy EVERY different "special edition....new color!" model that came out. :sssh:

Things have not changed much, I still see people gobbling up every slight change in their favorite models. IMHO, the move from LOD-CE P4 to LOD Q4 is a worthwhile upgrade. I would (and did) sell the obsolete model to help fund it but based on performance there is still enough of a jump to warrant the switch. My only gripe is that since they have not changed the driver since the original LOD the "low" mode just keeps on getting brighter! With the Q4 it's rated at 11 lumens? It's about high time they reprogram the driver for a 2-3 lumen low.................................

Right, how bright is bright enough for a AAA keychain light? I would like to see the run-times increased.
Can this be done without introducing a very visible and undesirable PWM flickering effect?

Man..........I wish I knew. The LOD's PWM, at 100hz, is right at the limit of becoming an issue for me. I do not see why they cannot raise the frequency of that at the same time that they reprogram it!? I'm not an engineer or techie but it doesn't seem like it would be that hard to up the PWM frequency and drop the current for med/low just a bit? Does anyone know of a modder who can do these things? TIA