Fenix LOP CE died


Newly Enlightened
Nov 27, 2002
After many days in my pocket and a couple years in the rotation my faithful LOP CE has quit working. It appears there is little support for getting it repaired so I was wondering if there is a replacement head available?

I was also wondering how the new Fenix AAA lights compare to the older ones?

thanks, John
Have you tried giving the contacts a thorough (or even basic) cleaning. I've had L0P/L0D's stop working on me periodically (a couple times while they were just sitting unused on a shelf), but a quick cleaning of the contact points has always brought them back.

I haven't replaced the L0D CE on key chain yet, but I do have and LD01 and will start carrying that if the L0D CE ever dies or gets lost.
I think I took the time to use DeoxIT once, but the rest of the times I just used a pencil eraser.
Alcool and cotton swabs.

When I see I can't really get the stuff out from in between the threads I use and old toothbrush, but that is not really necessary. Make sure you clean threads inside and outside and the contact points. Make sure you have a good battery too; test them elsewhere or use a new one.
Tried some contact cleaner with no luck, I guess its off to look for a new light.

Now the question is do I get Peak Eiger, E01, LD15, Nitecore D10 SP, Martac or .....
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Might be worth trying again with alcool... never know, but it sounds like the poor thing did die.

I only own two of these lights and I'll be posting a thorough review on the LD15 (final production model) sometime next week. You might want to consult it to help with your decision.

The I have the E0 (ancestor of the E01) and it's a neat little light: runs for an eternity on the same battery. It's only 10 lumens with only one mode, though, and it's got an older bluish LED, but the beam pattern is very smooth and very pleasant.