Fenix LxD/PxD Q5 heads (on a bike)

Mr Floppy

Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 19, 2007
I've been using the Fenix L2D Q5 as my primary bike like for a while now and I want to put a second one on there. I will most likely go with another Q5 but not sure of which one to get.

The reason why I like the Q5 in the Fenix PxD/LxD is that the hot spot is nice and wide and the spill is nice and bright. So my question is, are all the heads exactly the same? Can I expect the same wide hotspot and bright spill in a P2D Q5 and a L1D Q5. I assume that all the heads will be the same and have the same or similar beam pattern.

So should I just get another L2D or go for a P2D and swap the body tube with my L2D P4? I can't imagine why they would change the beam pattern for the P2D so if anyone has both could confirm that, I would be most grateful.
Just to throw one more variable out there, you can opt for the smooth reflector if you want a little more throw from one of the lights. Fenix-store can do that no-charge IIRC, and Lighthound carries them that way as a stock item.
A smooth reflector sounds interesting. Maybe on the helmet? Would throw be better for speedier situations like going down hill?
A smooth reflector sounds interesting. Maybe on the helmet? Would throw be better for speedier situations like going down hill?

Going fast (downhill or otherwise), or just trying to see far ahead (particularly as a helmet light).
IMO I'd go for the textured. If the LED is slightly off centre with a smooth reflector, the beam pattern isn't nice- the textured allows more leeway. Besides, if you want a light to throw, then the L2D, smooth reflector or not, isn't the light you need.

(I own both smooth and textured L2D's)
The heads of the P2D/L2D/L1D are identical with the P3D head being different and incompatable.

There is really little difference between the smooth and OP reflectors and none of the lights are great throwers.
I guess its really the beam pattern of the L2D Q5 that I really like on the bike. I dont really travel at any great speed but I do go around a few bends.

Thanks for the confirmation about the beam pattern. Now I just have to decide on the P2D, L2D or L1D ...
I still find that an L2D on the bars is not so good on its own for going around bends. Having one on the helmet and pointing you're head in the direction you want to see is a lot better.