Fenix P1D Just Dies !!!

You find that lights tend to go out when the batteries do...:thinking:

the P1D doesnt have a flikering battery warning system

Are you sure it's a dead battery? When I run my Fenix L0D for too long and heat builds up, the protection circuit kicks in, and the light instantly goes out.

Five minutes later, after it cools down; it works fine.
I believe you think your Fenix has a battery warning system ( flickering ) before the battery dies. The P2D, P1D and L1D and L2D do not have a battery warning system. It will stay lit until their is not enough juice in the battery then just die. My P2D is noticibly dimmer before it dies though. It also has no turbo mode before it dies.

Hope this helps.

Regulated lights like the P1D give you high output until the battery is dead, rather than slowly fade out. Just take out the spent batter and insert a new one, if it works fine then, no need to worry.
To add to the other replies here, the P1D/P2D should dim significantly just before dying, when the light drops out of regulation. Use this as your low battery warning.

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