Fenix P2D CE Problem on Low Setting (Video)

Bob K

Newly Enlightened
Apr 30, 2007
On my first Fenix P2D CE, the medium setting would not work. Josh at Lighthound graciously sent me a replacement.

However, on this second P2D CE, when using the low-medium-high-SOS levels, the low setting starts out at full power for about a quarter second before settling down to the low output. This doesn't seem right to me and seems to defeat the purpose of starting out with a level that is not too bright. Josh is looking into it for me, but I thought I'd poll owners here, too.

I shot some video so you could see what I'm talking about: http://home.vafb.net/~rgknowlton/P2D_CE.wmv.

I suppose I just want a $50 light to work the way it's supposed to. Has anyone else experienced this issue?
Yes, it's so common you can say they all do it. I have one and mine does it. It has been discussed in various threads.
Here's one. Click here...
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Likely just a by product of the way they have designed the regulator. I don't like it, but it is not the end of the world. I guess we need to keep our hand over the light for that first flash.

The P1D does it also. It is much less noticeable in the P1D because it goes from high to medium instead of from high to low.
This can be easily fixed by software. I'm surprised to see Fenix overlooked this issue during R&D. Hope they've already noticed and fixed it.
I got my P3D about a month ago and mine does not have this problem, maybe I just got lucky
My P2D does it, :confused: but my P3D does not :thinking:.


I got my P3D about a month ago and mine does not have this problem, maybe I just got lucky

P3D is a different driver. It is a buck driver, while the L1D, L2D, P2D (and possibly the P1D) all have the same boost driver. This seems to only effect the one type of circuit board...not the others, so it's not surprising that your P3D doesn't have the same issue. Although, I am surprised by the one poster who has had the problem with his P3D - I have not heard of that so far.
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This can be easily fixed by software. I'm surprised to see Fenix overlooked this issue during R&D. Hope they've already noticed and fixed it.
Maybe we can flash it! :thinking:
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Damn I just ordered a P2DCE as well....but hey what if we look at it a different way.....just think if u ever have to flash your light in a defensive situation to hopefully gain precious moments of a second, even if its in low mode youre still gonna get that full blast, or a little of it anyway......yes?

My P2D and L1D do it, but my L2D and P3D do not.

BTW Outdoors Fanatic, I don't appreciate the crack about the Chinese. My wife is Chinese. She came here to America, worked very hard on her education in Electronic Engineering all the way up to her Doctorate, and now she is an Senior Electronic Engineer at Texas Instruments. She worked very hard to get to her position and is very conscientious about the quality of her work....Most times even more so than her American colleagues.

You can find poor manufacturing and quality control easily enough in the United States and Europe also. To make a broad statement like that about the Chinese is unfair and uncalled for.
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I'm not a Fenix engineer so I'm not 100% sure, but very probably it's either the initialization of the software taking too long, or energy build up in the driver. Both can be fixed by some software tricks. My own board had the same problem and was fixed thru software.

btw I second bondr006. If we can't keep peace here on CPF, I see no hope in world peace.
Sounds more it might be like a processor reset/control issue (processor must come out of reset and run the light right from power on press of the switch--power on / reset issues in computers is not a trivial issue to resolve--there is also that less than 2 second period where interrupted power is used to switch modes)--and those could be just as easily a hardware "issue" as a software issue...

But without code, schematics, and such--can't tell much from here.

I have a 'plain' p2d and then i got a newer 'q2' edition p2d, the plain one doesnt flash, the 'q2' version flashes when changing modes as well as doesn't have a low mode on either a new primary cr123 or a 3.0v rechargable cr123 (low and medium are the same)... needless to say, the q2 sits on my shelf and doesn't get used much, the plain one i carry every day...
I think the only way round is a "soft start" to power up, I prefer instant light, albeit with a flash, than having to wait for circuitry to compensate. Unless it is msecs.

I have sort of got into the habit of pressing P2D head against body, this helps in one handed switch on anyway.

BTW Outdoors Fanatic, I don't appreciate the crack about the Chinese.
You can find poor manufacturing and quality control easily enough in the United States and Europe also. To make a broad statement like that about the Chinese is unfair and uncalled for.

I totally agree.

Chinise Quality Control...

(No comment needed ?)
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For $50.00 the light should work as led to believe in their advertising and spec sheets. Nowhere on any advertising or specs for the light does it say that it will flash when starting up. This sounds like a big glitch and quality control issue to me and it should be remedied.
It's not the only torch that does that, or something similar.

The Safe-light Superbright gives a double flash when using the constant press to switch off.

Now, I find that more intrusive.