Fenix P2D Q5 Throw?


Newly Enlightened
Jun 14, 2007
East Central, IL.
Hello All,
First off, I have been searching the forums & Google for two day & have come up empty.. so, don't tell me to use the "SEARCH!" lol

Anyway, I'm thinking about picking up a good EDC (my first) & was looking at the Fenix P2D Q5 (I like the size & different output levels & the clickie on the end.) For those of you that have one, about how far is the P2D good for.. I'm looking for something that will give me around 150-200yrds of throw. I like the Fenix T1, but it looks just a little big for pocket carry & it only has two output levels!?

I want something fairly small that will light things up at a good distance w/a decent spot at the center! Does anyone have any outdoor shots w/the P2D Q5 or even the P1D Q5?
Thanks, Phil B.
It has nowhere close to 150-200 yards of throw, the reflector is too small. 100 yards might be the max for visible beam, the beam won't be useable but you will know the beam is there.

For that range, you would at least need something T1 sized.

If you want good light at that distance, you would have to get a more throw oriented light, like Dereelight DBS.

What are you going to use the light for and what's the maximum size?

Sorry, no long range beamshots for the P2D.

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