Fenix P3D RB100 or Olight T20 Q5?

Which one should I get for my next light?

Depends on you really. What do you intend to use the light for? I'm pretty sure the T20 has quite a bit more output, but since mine HAS NOT YET FREAKING ARRIVED!!!! (oops, ahem, OK I'm back now) I don't know. Plus the fact that I don't have the Fenix, but it's definitely on my list! :)

So what do you want to do with it?
A man needs the best that money can buy so I recommend you buy the most expensive one. That should make your GF really jealous. I would put it under lock and key so the GF doesn't steal it from you. :)
Just another data point for your consideration. I too have both the P3D-RB100 and the T20-Q5 and after using each of them for a couple of weeks, I'd say I like the T20-Q5 more than the P3D-RB100. I have a pair of Ultrafire RCR123's in the T20 and it operates correctly with no problems, while the P3D-RB100 won't operate in turbo nor strobe mode because the Ultrafire's are too tall.
Okay, now I've got both. I am almost exclusively interested in the turbo/solid mode on both. They are both similarly bright but I think the OLight edges the Fenix out by a hair, but that might just be the diffusion versus the focused beam.

Fenix is a bright light, the central beam is a little diffused and it will let you look at largish areas, back yard, easily.

OLight has a central, very defined, beam with decent spill around it. This one will be better for looking for specific things from a distance.

My personal preference for a "grab it light" would be the OLight. I would not argue one bit if I grabbed the Fenix though.