Fenix PD30 v TerraLUX Lightstar220 TLF-3C2AAEX (Extreme)


Newly Enlightened
Dec 12, 2008
How does the Fenix PD30 compare with the TerraLUX Lightstar220 TLF-3C2AAEX (Extreme), as they both have the same 220 Lumens?

I am more interested in the comparison between the brightness, throw and spill, not the various levels of modes each offers.

I have a TerraLUX Lightstar220 TLF-3C2AAEX, and although it has a nice light and good throw/spill balance, I don't think it reaches 220 lumens. It's more around 140. The beam is nice, with nice round edges. The low mode is less than the stated 100 lumens, I'd say about 70.

But the bad part is the construction. It appears well made when you open the package. But the click switch is not as sturdy as Fenix's, the aluminum is NOT aircraft T6 grade, and the anodizing is just fragile. Prepare for dings and dents in the first weeks of normal use. And I didn't like the threads.

Fenix is just the opposite, very well made with top notch anodizing that will last, and the advertised lumens are real.

Here are a couple bemshots comparing Fenix L2T with 152 lumens and TerraLUX Lightstar220 TLF-3C2AAEX with "220" lumens.

The only advantage of the TerraLUX is that it uses AA batteries, but that's a matter of personal preference. If you live in an area where CR123s are cheap and easy to find, go for them. Otherwise there are other Fenix models with AAs, like the LD20, L2D Q5, L2T and E20.


dont really see too much talk about the terralux 220 lumen but for $30-35 its reaLLY hard for me to stop looking at it even though the 220 lumens might be a bit overstated. im looking for a 2 AA light and really cant see why i shouldn't pick one up for $30, i might just have one in my next offering to this thread.
Has anyone tried putting lithium AAs or fresh hi capacity rechargeables in these to see if it comes closer to it's rated output? Also many lights are rated at the output for just the first few seconds or minutes. After they heat up a bit, they turn down a little to keep 'em cooler.

Also the beamshot is a bit unfair. The Terralux appears to be a little bluer. It would not show as bright on green plants or a wood fence than a whiter or yellower light would.

Like to see a shot with both lights in the same pic shining on something whiter or neutral gray. This way they will be in the same contrast, color sensitivity, & camera white balance.

Did you check to see if there was any manufacturer dirt or grime on the contacts or cells that may reduce the current? I find higher powered lights are sensitive to the slightst spec of dirt on contacts. Did you use AAs with a decent current rating?

Anywho, now that the price fell below $30, I'm thinking of getting one.
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