Fenix store's latest announcement *new announcemnt*


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 14, 2007
"*** December 14, 2007 ***
We just got a larger shipment of T1 lights and we will be shipping most of the
back orders out today and the remainder possibly next week. Natural finish has been discontinued and while we still have them in stock, once
they are sold they will be gone. Also discontinued are the E1, E0, L1T, L2T,
and L1T/L2T 2.0."

oh god!, all those people who want the original T1 better order now....
and may the E1, E0, L1T, L2T,
and L1T/L2T 2.0 rest in peace. Purpose here, will be to speculate what the new T1 is going to look like.....if this discussion is already going on somewhere in a T1 thread, i think it deserves its own thread...
and yes i know that threads have already been made on what WE WANT...but not exactly speculation on what fenix is actually going to include...maybe 7777 can give us some info...


EDIT: Above Data is erroneous, please read full thread, confirmed information is that T1 WILL NOT be discontinued in anyway
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Re: Fenix's latest announcement

Any news on what will be used to replace some of those discontinued models?
Re: Fenix's latest announcement

Yes, I'd like to see what replaces the discontinued models too. I want to know that the LOWER priced options still exists. The E0 was a bargain at $20.
Re: Fenix's latest announcement

Hopefully they will come out with an E0 successor, but I just ordered one just to be safe.
Re: Fenix's latest announcement

The E0 didn't seem like as nice a light as the Arc AAA/Nichia CS now being sold as the Arc AAA-Standard at $29.95.

It's unfortunate that they got rid of the L1T/L2T though those lights had shortcomings. I hope they'll make a 1aa version of the P1CE. I notice the Civictor is also gone.
Re: Fenix's latest announcement

When you add as many items to your catalogue as quickly as Fenix has there is no doubt that they will not be able to continue to manufacture all of those different lights.

Fenix will add lights to their catalogue as necessary. I find it amazing that they were able to make so many different models this year. I suspect they settle on making the best lights from their catalogue and continue to add lights based on market demands.

"*** December 14, 2007 ***
We just got a larger shipment of T1 lights and we will be shipping most of the
back orders out today and the remainder possibly next week. Natural finish has been discontinued and while we still have them in stock, once
they are sold they will be gone. Also discontinued are the E1, E0, L1T, L2T,
and L1T/L2T 2.0."

and may the E1, E0, L1T, L2T,
and L1T/L2T 2.0 rest in peace. Purpose here, will be to speculate what the new T1 is going to look like.....if this discussion is already going on somewhere in a T1 thread, i think it deserves its own thread...
and yes i know that threads have already been made on what WE WANT...but not exactly speculation on what fenix is actually going to include...maybe 7777 can give us some info...

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Re: Fenix's latest announcement

Sounds like it's time to fill up the paypal and order an E0 as a companion to the Arc AAA camo that's on it's way if it's really going to be discontinued. Hopefully they replace it with a DS model. Honestly, it's really a one of a kind light and they will lose alot of sales if they cut that line.
Re: Fenix's latest announcement

When you add as many items to your catalogue as quickly as Fenix has there is no doubt that they will not be able to continue to manufacture all of those different lights.
This really is not a surprise. Discontinuing the BRAND NEW T1 does catch me a little off guard.
I suspect they have learned a lot in this initial shipment of t1's and have opted to cut their losses and redesign the light using what they have learned. I suspect the clip redesign will be a top priority.

Fenix will add lights to their catalogue as necessary. I find it amazing that they were able to make so many different models this year. I suspect they settle on making the best lights from their catalogue and continue to add lights based on market demands.

Where does it say they're discontinuing the T1? I've heard they're making some design improvements, but haven't heard they're discontinuing it.
Re: Fenix's latest announcement

i think what he means is that they are discontinuing the T1 as it is now, and will come up with T1 version 2, or even T2....with exactly the stuff we asked for..

Re: Fenix's latest announcement

When you add as many items to your catalogue as quickly as Fenix has there is no doubt that they will not be able to continue to manufacture all of those different lights.
This really is not a surprise. Discontinuing the BRAND NEW T1 does catch me a little off guard.
I suspect they have learned a lot in this initial shipment of t1's and have opted to cut their losses and redesign the light using what they have learned. I suspect the clip redesign will be a top priority.

Fenix will add lights to their catalogue as necessary. I find it amazing that they were able to make so many different models this year. I suspect they settle on making the best lights from their catalogue and continue to add lights based on market demands.

Re: Fenix's latest announcement

I'm also eagerly await to see what will replace the discontinued lights
the E0 is my very first CPF-ism light that I've used for more than a year (need a battery change only twice) before upgrading to Liteflux LF2 just a few days ago.
Re: Fenix's latest announcement

The L2T 2.0's sold out so fast they had no choice but to discontinue them I guess? Paint me confused and skeptical... :confused::ironic:

They are one of the better lights that Fenix really had going for them. Why discontinue the natural finish, it is the black that is not as durable and shows more everytime you get a scratch on it.

Is this an early April Fools or something?
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Re: Fenix's latest announcement

"*** December 14, 2007 ***
We just got a larger shipment of T1 lights and we will be shipping most of the
back orders out today and the remainder possibly next week. Natural finish has been discontinued and while we still have them in stock, once
they are sold they will be gone. Also discontinued are the E1, E0, L1T, L2T,
and L1T/L2T 2.0."

Where in that statement does it say T1's are being discontinued? Is this from Fenix-store? I know Fenix lights with Natrual finish is being discontinued, but the T1 isn't natural, it's their olive drab type HA. This statement says to me that along with the natural finish being discontinued (which is a shame), the E1, E0, L1T, L2T, and L1T/L2T 2.0 are being discontinued.

No where does it say the T1 is being discontinued, just that more are coming in stock.
Re: Fenix's latest announcement

The most we know is that T1 in natural may not be sold, but there could be ones in black. Plus there are already versions without the clip (personally I like the clip, you can handle it in a way that doesn't scratch anything).

Also there could be a difference between what US-based dealers sell and what Fenix the company produces.

Given how innovative this company has been, with cutting-edge products that are leaders in their segments (and they've been in a huge and expanding number of different segments) we can only sit back and wait with anticipation to see what new offerings they might come up with!

Of course, I can't say the same with my wallet, probably looking at the same situation with terror rather than anticipation!

On the other hand, costs in China have been increasing very fast, it will be interesting to see if/when these costs start feeding into Fenix's products (and Chinese products more generally). Personally I've been buying plenty of the Fenix products as they've been coming out, and I am very well stocked, won't it be a hoot if their prices suddenly jump? Maybe then people (especially Fenix critics) will realize what great deals this company has been offering.
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Re: Fenix's latest announcement

Hell if I know. I was just going by what was said in the orignal post:

"oh god!, all those people who want the original T1 better order now....
and may the E1, E0, L1T, L2T, "

What I do know is that there is allways the option of modifying and improving designs. A company like fenix is in a good positio continue to improve their products. If discontinuing some is what they need to do to allow that then so be it.

Where does it say they're discontinuing the T1? I've heard they're making some design improvements, but haven't heard they're discontinuing it.
Re: Fenix's latest announcement

The original poster claims the statement is from Fenix, IT IS NOT, it is from fenix-store, giving their customers an update that they received more T1's, FROM FENIX, and they will be shipping them to customers who had back orders.

FENIX-STORE is also stating that Fenix is discontinuing NATURAL FINSIH, not T1's, NATURAL FINISH.

Maybe the user who started this topic can edit his post as it is totally mis-leading, and totally wrong.

From Fenix-Store.com:

"*** December 14, 2007 ***
We just got a larger shipment of T1 lights and we will be shipping most of the
back orders out today and the remainder possibly next week.

Natural finish has been discontinued and while we still have them in stock, once
they are sold they will be gone. Also discontinued are the E1, E0, L1T, L2T,
and L1T/L2T 2.0."

Notice how the update on T1's, and the update on Natural finish are seperate topics. How anyone can conclude the T1 is being discontinued, modified, etc, from this statement, is beyond me.
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Re: Fenix's latest announcement

I prefer the 1xAA form factor which is why I sold my L2Tv2.0 but very much like the forward clickie and the two stage operation. I sure hope they continue with a two stage light as the multi mode, no memory, cycle reset lights really don't hold much appeal for me and from what I can tell for many.

Too bad - I was thinking about an L1T when they came back in January...
Re: Fenix's latest announcement

Don't know why the natural finish is being discontinued. :confused:

The one on my P3D isn't nearly as slick or slippery as the black finish on my L0D.
Re: Fenix's latest announcement

Still a shame they would discontinue the natural finish, espcially on the keychain LOD EO type lights. :(