Fenix T1 Abuse by 1 what

1 what

Jul 6, 2007
My brief was to provide electronic abuse - to see just how robust (electronically) the T1 was.

The proposal had 2 parts. The first was to flick the electronics on and off at various speeds to see if they would cope. The second was to subject the T1 to high voltage strikes from a Tesla Coil and to see if the high energy field around the coil would induce destructive voltages in the driver board.

First up the "on/off" test.
The batteries were replaced by a power supply that was turned on and off by a signal generator producing square waves.


The T1 was fed square waves and turned on and off 1,000,000 times. No problems at all. In case you're wondering it was in the high power mode and the on/off frequency was 30Hz.


While I was at it I thought I'd have a look at how the driver copes with different input voltages. I fed it a voltage that went from 2.5V to 9.0V. As you can see in the next photo it kept a constant light output over the range from 4 to 9 volts.


So far so good and the T1 was loving these voltage variations. Time to get serious with phase 2. Bring on the Tesla Coil.


Turn on the coil and stand back! As you can see I also left the T1 turned on for this test.


The next photo is a time exposure over 3 secs so you can see the number of strikes. All up it spent about 10 minutes exposed to the coil.


If you'd prefer a video:

Well it still wasn't dead so there was only one thing left to do. Sneak into the kitchen, turn on T1, place it in the microwave, select high power (you can see it in the top right hand corner of the opening frames) check that Wife wasnt around, start camera, hit "Start Oven".....

No explosion. Phew, I live again and so does the T1.

So now the T1 has been both BBQ'd and microwaved.

There had to be something to upset it. How about doubling the input voltage. I could build a battery extension tube and run it on higher voltages to increase the run times. Rather than do this I used my power supply. I'd already discovered it would run on 9 volts....How about 12 volts?


So there it is, happy on high power and 12 volts in. You might notice it's drawing 100MA at this voltage.

At that time I decided the T1 had earned it's freedom and I didn't increase the voltave until "something blew".

I'm sending it back to 4sevens in working order and hope he knows how much punishment this unit has taken and how much I appreciate the chance to have done this testing.

My final impression...A mighty fine unit and (electronically) "built like a tank". Thank you David.
I thought 4seven mentioned he personally tried that with 16V without a problem? So 12 V should be piece of cake :devil:
I wasn't suprised that it survived microwave test. Why? Because it heats up water inside food, there's no water in dishes or T1.
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How about subjecting the T1 to the tesla coil again, but this time WITHOUT it having grounded by the clamp? :D
I wasn't suprised that it survived microwave test. Why? Because it heats up water inside food, there's no water in dishes or T1.

Microwave can fry circuits easily.

I think T1 survived the test because the whole body is metal, the driver is shielded. And the test did not last too long.
Thanks for the feedback.
A couple of responses:
Originally Posted by phantom23
I wasn't suprised that it survived microwave test. Why? Because it heats up water inside food, there's no water in dishes or T1.

Microwave can fry circuits easily.

I think T1 survived the test because the whole body is metal, the driver is shielded. And the test did not last too long.

The idea wasn't to try to heat water molecules but to see if the microwave frequency waves could somehow induce destructive voltages in the electronics of the flashlight. The observation re the shielding effect of the metal body is spot on and I must admit I'd satisified myself that the driver was shielded behind the LED before I did this test. The reason I kept it short is that microwave ovens dont enjoy being turned on without a "load" (ie water molecules) in the oven and I didn't want to hurt the oven since I considered it was at more risk than the T1.

The issue raised by magic elf re the T1 being grounded by the clamp is probably due to the way I explained things in one of the photos. The clamp is plastic and does not ground the T1. There is an earth point a couple of inches behind the end of the T1 and that is where all those sparks from the tail of the T1 are heading. If I had not done this there would have still been sparks from the rear but they would have discharged out into the air rather than focused onto the earth point.

With hindsight :sssh: I wish I'd hung the T1 from a overhead rod and let the coil strike the tail and then get sparks discharging into the air from the stainless steel front of the torch. Visually it would have looked much better, but hey...I've never zapped a flashlight before let alone thought about getting the best photo angle.

I doubt if I'll get time to set up the coil again in the next couple of months (due to the call of the "real world") so cant promise to re shoot it before I post the T1 back (It's due to depart Brisbane this Thursday). I'm also under some pressure to donate the coil to a local Museum since people at home dont like it much...can't imagine why - it's dangerous, noisy, large, and is alleged to cause some problems with TV reception - a real "boys toy".
I doubt if I'll get time to set up the coil again in the next couple of months (due to the call of the "real world") so cant promise to re shoot it before I post the T1 back (It's due to depart Brisbane this Thursday). I'm also under some pressure to donate the coil to a local Museum since people at home dont like it much...can't imagine why - it's dangerous, noisy, large, and is alleged to cause some problems with TV reception - a real "boys toy".
I'll take it! How much do you want for it? :D

Hey thanks for doing this cool test! That T1 will earn a permanent place on my
shelf of fame haha :)
Wow great test and great light the is proving its reliability. Now if someone could weapon mount it to a 12 gauge, fire off some shots to see how it holds up. I am pretty sure after all the abuse threads I have read, it WILL hold up. The light does impress me, there are only 2 things that prevent me from buying it.
1) Not easily upgradeable. In my opinion P60 module lights are best for me as I can easily upgrade without needing any soldering skills. Though I think with the output it currently has, it is more than enough for almost all tasks.
2) Main problem for me is, it is marketed as a tactical light, however it failed miserabley in this aspect. I saw the thread by GreenLed and someone else(forgot name), who used this in a low light weapons course and had a hard time. When using with a weapon, the light should fit comfortably AND be easy to use, which it was not.

Fix number 2 and Fenix will have a lot more LE and other purchasers! Fenix also removed the clip for those who did not want it. Now fix number 2 so I can buy one!
Nice videos. Glad to see the microwave didn't blow or your wife may have strapped you to the tesla coil.
Thanks for taking the time to do this and entertain the rest of us. :thumbsup:
Hi 4sevens, re post#14 - Since it joins your "Hall of Fame" it deserves a set of high voltage stripes.

As for sending you the coil - I'd be happyt to give it to you but the postage would be :eek:!
I could just imagine the posibilites.

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