Fenix T1 or P3D Q5


Newly Enlightened
Nov 12, 2005
I am looking to get a new light. I have the lod-ce p4 on my keychain and love it. I just want a brighter light. Does anybody have both the T1 and the P3D Q5? Which one do you like better and why? Beamshots of each would be greatly appriciated. :naughty:
did you want something easy to carry?

I've got them both and the P3D Q5 is easy to EDC in my pocket and is plenty bright. So I'd probably vote for the P3D Q5. Although the T1 is pretty cool.

So, you better just get them both to be safe!

I am looking to get a new light. I have the lod-ce p4 on my keychain and love it. I just want a brighter light. Does anybody have both the T1 and the P3D Q5? Which one do you like better and why? Beamshots of each would be greatly appriciated. :naughty:
I am looking to get a new light. I have the lod-ce p4 on my keychain and love it. I just want a brighter light. Does anybody have both the T1 and the P3D Q5? Which one do you like better and why? Beamshots of each would be greatly appriciated. :naughty:

have both. they are very different lights intended for different purposes.

depending upon your intended use(s), the choice could lean toward one or the other.

since you have a L0D-CE, you might not require the multiple modes of the P3D-Q5 - just a thought.

the T1 one could be used as an EDC (i used to EDC a SF U2), but the P3D-Q5 is definitely more EDC-able in one's pants pocket. for belt carry, the difference in size b/t the two lights becomes less of an issue, IMO.

the classic CPF response is get them both!
i was choosing between the two myself, i went with the T1 because

1. is has a 4.5 mm thick head
2. UI is a heck of a lot simpler, i already have a p1dce for all my strobing and edc needs
3. it out lumens the p3d
4. with a low of 60lumens for 10 hours, it blows my surefire incan runtime out of the water

i was choosing between the two myself, i went with the T1 because

1. is has a 4.5 mm thick head
2. UI is a heck of a lot simpler, i already have a p1dce for all my strobing and edc needs
3. it out lumens the p3d
4. with a low of 60lumens for 10 hours, it blows my surefire incan runtime out of the water


can you post a comparison of the t1 low setting compared to some other flashlights? your opinion, not beamshots.

like compared to the p1dce on various settings.
for one thing, im 100% sure that the low mode on the t1 is already brighter than the output of 'the brightest mini mag led replacement' that i have, and at high mode you have to point the ministar mag away from the t1's beam or else you wont see it at all... well thats my experience with it, anyway... i guess in this case its abit like apples and oranges since they are basically completely different classes but there you go, my opinion
I am looking to get a new light. I have the lod-ce p4 on my keychain and love it. I just want a brighter light. Does anybody have both the T1 and the P3D Q5? Which one do you like better and why? Beamshots of each would be greatly appriciated. :naughty:

well I don't have a P3D neither a T1. but if you are looking for an EDC torch I would say the P3D is the way to go. the T1 is certainly a nice flashlight but IMO far too big (the head) to be carried around the whole day. it certainly will outthrow the P3D but thats about it. I used to carry a L2D CE as EDC and recently upgraded to a P2D R100. about half the size but a lot better (brighter and much better colour rendering). I think this will be my favourite EDC fo quite some time and if I will be in need for a serious thrower I get someting big (but then rather a tiablo A8/9 or a dereelight DBS than a fenix T1)

regards, holger
can you post a comparison of the t1 low setting compared to some other flashlights? your opinion, not beamshots.

like compared to the p1dce on various settings.

i would love to, because that would mean that i would already have my T1 :S its still backordered...but ill probably do that comparison anyway when it gets here...

i think he might as well get the T1, cos he already has an LOD on his keys...:)

i think he might as well get the T1, cos he already has an LOD on his keys...:)


lol, I know. what I meant is that you can comfortable carry a P3D (maybe not exactly on the keyring though) and have a very serious flashlight opposite to the T1, which is not suitable for EDC IMO (but of course a serious light too)

regards, holger
I've also got both a T1 and P3D. For EDC the P3D is much easier and sits easily in a (suit) jacket inner pocket or jeans. Its' output and run times are more than adequate. The T1 is great but much more business-like.

White wall hunting at 3 feet. (shot with a Canon Powershot A530 (aka cheap ******* point and shoot:p) 1/60, F2.6)
the T1 has a tighter beam and hotspot, with brighter spill; the P3D a bit softer.
Hope this helps:D
lol, I know. what I meant is that you can comfortable carry a P3D (maybe not exactly on the keyring though) and have a very serious flashlight opposite to the T1, which is not suitable for EDC IMO (but of course a serious light too)

regards, holger

too true, the T1 looks like a monster.... P3D is a better carrier by far, and it WILL be able to slip into pockets, where i doubt the t1 will..

hmm, imgaine the P3D on a key ring....:crackup:

I asked myself the same question two weeks ago. After reading many T1 threads, I saw few obvious/easy improvements Fenix definitely could work on. That left me with the P3D Q5, which I carried for a week so far and liked it very much.

Get the P3D Q5 now and the will-be-improved T1 later. :grin2:

White wall hunting at 3 feet. (shot with a Canon Powershot A530 (aka cheap ******* point and shoot:p) 1/60, F2.6)
the T1 has a tighter beam and hotspot, with brighter spill; the P3D a bit softer.
Hope this helps:D

Thaks a lot. Just what I was looking for. Is there any way that you could post some outdoor beamshots for me?:twothumbs Thank you very much!!!!!
For EDC get the P3D but if you want a serious amount of throw The T1 rocks. I have the P3D rebel premium and the T1 just beats it for brightness but whips it in throw.
too true, the T1 looks like a monster.... P3D is a better carrier by far, and it WILL be able to slip into pockets, where i doubt the t1 will..


The T1 isn't that big in person, somehow it looks bigger in pics. In fact I've carried it easily without its holster in the front pocket of my jeans. It's also fairly nice to carry in its holster on a belt.

Those who say it's too big have to realize that they are comparing lights without significant reflectors with lights (the Fenix T1 but also something like the Lumapower M1, which I also have, and perhaps the Huntlight judging from pics) with significant but still not huge reflectors. Obviously, the reflector adds heft, but also gives you quite a bit--a much better shape and throw for your light output.

The T1 is a big heavier (but still not enormously so) because of the effort to make it tough and the steel bezel. Naturally, if you don't want or need these attributes, another light would serve your needs better.

Another way to think about it is that the Fenix T1, like the Lumapower M1 are designed more to be outdoors lights, and P2D/L1D Rebel 100 are more in an EDC formfactor, and the P3D Rebel 100/Q5 is a bit of an intermediate light, bigger than an EDC but smaller than the outdoors lights like the T1 and M1. So it is a bit unfair to compare the T1 with the P3D and declare the T1 too large.

Maybe it's more correct to say that the T1 is OK for an outdoors light, but the P3D is too large for an EDC! In fact, the best use for the P3D in my opinion is as a bike light! You can fit it onto the Fenix bike flashlight holders as well (or two of them at the same time!) and there their shape and relative light weight is a big advantage.
Forget them both and get a P1d Premium or the P2D premium. They are just a hair less Lumen than the P3D but smaller and lighter for EDC. I have had one or the other in my pocket since they came out. The LOD Rebel I also have is just not bright enough for me as my only EDC.