fenix TA20 or surefire E2D LED defender?? HELP


Newly Enlightened
Jul 7, 2009
Hey. I was just wondering if i should get the TA20 or the E2D. I will take the light underwater and i want one that wont get all flooded. I want the light to be able to take lost of abuse and the one with the best customer service. As for performance. You cant trust the numbers on the sites because surefire takes the reading by shining the light on the wall. Phenix points the light detecter directley at the light. I want the one with the best throw, and most power, but surfires great name should be hard to beat. So the basic questions i want to ask are.

Best throw?
Battery life. realistically?
Better shell?
Better reflecter (quality)
Clearer glass (lense)
Better lamp (if different)
And lumens, i dont trust the sites.
So, bacically the best overall light.

Some help would be great. Thank you.
err... why don't you get both? then you will get the best of both world. on top of that, one can be the backup of the other. remember "two is one, and one is none". :poke:
Don`t think either one of those would make a good dive/underwater use light.
The surefire E2DL has waterproofing issues.


A lot of people have complained about it BUT you can always send the tailcap back to Surefire and ask them for a replacement that's waterproof.
A lot have concluded that the E2DL is splash and rain proof but not swimming proof :D.

No comments on the waterproof ability of the T20, too new.
so you just buy a water proof tailcap for the e2dl and your good to go?
Either of those lights are dive lights. There are better lights out there made specifically for taking under water.
Either of those lights are dive lights. There are better lights out there made specifically for taking under water.
I'm not going diving with either of them. What i meant was just taking them in a lake on a dark night and lighting up the water. I dont scuba dive or snorkel. I would just like to play around with them. No more than 8 feet underwater.
But right now im leaning towards the TA20, because i like the design, price, and it says that its waterproof up to IPX-8 standards. What about performance?
Did u read the thread, lots of info there.
Basically u get the E2DL, hope its waterproof, if its not u send the tailcap back to SF and hope they send you back a waterproof one.

Actually the person took the E2DL tailcap apart himself and fixed it with some lubricating oil. He did try to call Surefire but he got a odd response regarding if the light being waterproof or not.
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I have had the E2DL and it is a good light. I have the TA30 and it is extreemly tough and dunkable water resistant....others may not be, but I would trust Fenix's water resistance over SF's E series water resistance in most cases.
I have had the E2DL and it is a good light. I have the TA30 and it is extreemly tough and dunkable water resistant....others may not be, but I would trust Fenix's water resistance over SF's E series water resistance in most cases.
Even though surefire is an amazing, probably the best flashlight brand? I would think surefire is tougher by far:thinking: are you sure that fenix is better, how about throw, which one has the tighter beam, and which one is overall better. thank you.
If you live inside US borders, go to Surefire E2DL.

If you live anywhere else, go to Fenix TA20.

But right now im leaning towards the TA20, because i like the design, price, and it says that its waterproof up to IPX-8 standards. What about performance?

Overall brightness: TA20
Throw: TA20
Runtime: TA20
i would say better build would be the e2dl,they are both HAIII,e2dl has an AR coated Pyrex glass lens,and the ta20 has ultra-clear glass lens with anti-reflective coating,not sure about the 0rings but should be good in both lights,but fenix is probably better in waterproof,i have put my e2dl underwater and so far i had no problem with it,i probably had the good tailcap.
Even though surefire is an amazing, probably the best flashlight brand? I would think surefire is tougher by far:thinking: are you sure that fenix is better, how about throw, which one has the tighter beam, and which one is overall better. thank you.

I really like the E2DL, and have bought more SF lights than Fenix by far (about 12 to 6) As to which one is tougher...I do not know. The Fenix uses MUCH thicker aluminum...but is heavier. I am sure either light could survive multiple 6-10' falls to the concrete. The Fenix has more levels and a nice UI but the SF gives a low ant high...which I use more than med anyway.

They have different beams. The SF has a very wide spot and less spill...while the Fenix has a smaller spot but a wider brighter spill. I really liked the E2DL's beam from 20-40 yards. The Fenix will out throw the E2DL because of its bigger reflector....but neither light is a DBS or Raptor.

As to which one I would buy... would depend mainly if I wanted a small or medium sized light. Either way I really do not believe you could make a bad choice.

edit....forgot to answer part of your question... As to brighter...to close to tell. A "good" E2DL is putting out 180 lumens...which is within 10% of the TA20's output if I remember the lumens rating for the TA20 by one of our members with access to the proper testing setup... I do still believe that the TA20 SHOULD hold the water resistance edge though based on old threads I have read here about e series lights flooding....but again neither of these lights are dive lights. Again...you really can't go wrong with either choice
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